Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

Howard Law

Red Squirrel 556

Street Justice Department
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Kalash Klub
Sep 24, 2020
Nothing is easier to diagnose and repair like above ground wires hahaha I feel you man. If I owned property I would probably have some crazy dangerous electrical shit

I haven't had time to bury anything and tie it in properly yet, so yea lol I left it exposed in case anything happens.

I know a fair amount about this stuff, I was an electrician for 3 or 4 years in my 20's and did some schoolin' as well. I know it's not code worthy but I'll get it fixed up soon.

But I will indeed hit you up if I have any load calculation questions.


Black Bear under anesthesia
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Kalash Klub
Jul 1, 2015
Zip code
"How long is that gonna sit in the yard? I don't want the HOA to put a lien on the house...."

"Don't you have some laundry or dishes to do? FUCK THE HOA! I'll let you know when the Bobcat is a problem, OK?"

Women. Grrr!