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Faktory 47
  1. C

    Raw Oyesters

    Raw is best, but they must be very, very fresh out of the water. Steamed and baked are good if done right. If you are going to fry them, just don't waste your time.
  2. C

    BOOM!I'm finna be several hundred dollars poorer

    I gots no avi. :suspicious:
  3. C

    Weekend Project

    You will!
  4. C

    HK 416D help.

    Buy any match .22 . It is all subsonic, but cycles most anything. Plus it is actually accurate. Costs more, but you get what you pay for.
  5. C


    All (some more than others) potential death sentences in TEOTWAWKI.
  6. C

    in a shtf senario

    Laufen - how did you change your name?
  7. C

    Documentation for NFA items

    You have to file a 5320.20 (Form 20) to take them across state lines. See:
  8. C

    glock ?????

    Not gay - FAAHBULOUS
  9. C

    glock ?????

    wait - how did @Hoss change from Pale White Sausage? I want to be Strontium 90 then, dammit!!
  10. C

    glock ?????

    Better have some thick skin to play here boys!
  11. C

    In case you guys were wondering.

    Mary Mother of God....
  12. C

    For those in the know.

    I'd have kept the gator around. Then again, Sonny Crockett is my hero.
  13. C

    Tell me a little bit about yourself

    I was looking for the NAMBLA forum, but somehow got redirected here.
  14. C

    point of milling a pistol slide?

    Theoretically, helps cycling with reduced loads. But really it is for looks.
  15. C

    it's driving me nuts already.

    the fun part is when it does come, you have already forgotten. its like Christmas!!!
  16. C

    ballin on a budget AR edition.

    Got a few things I can throw your way. PM me me an address @mubj - remind me to get that bolt from you!
  17. C

    Why Don't People Train?

    I have taken a couple of classes that would be considered "training". However, it is very difficult to train by yourself if you don't have a good place to do it - and I don't. Most of my training is pin shooting and USPSA. I hope to take more classes htis year.