IN! I'll bring the Schlitz (a few 40's of OE for the picky ones) and some bratwurstSoooo when is the range day at your place for everyone to fondle it.
has to be after my detoxIN! I'll bring the Schlitz (a few 40's of OE for the picky ones) and some bratwurst
has to be after my detoxIN! I'll bring the Schlitz (a few 40's of OE for the picky ones) and some bratwurst
has to be after my detoxIN! I'll bring the Schlitz (a few 40's of OE for the picky ones) and some bratwurst
I know and I've tried but they are practically squareRAMI
People give me a hard time sometimes because I don't like strikers. I just find it hard to beat a good DA/SA.I've truly become a fan of the DA/SA handgun. I'm selling my CM45 now to help fund one.
I gotta ask, what's up with the avatar?RAMI