I recently got my first can, a Spectre II and decided to throw it on my 416D with some CCI quiet in it. It wouldn't cycle, which I expected, but I read some stuff online where people had been able to get them to cycle by taking a couple coils off the main spring. It already has an adjustable bolt speed for standard and high velocity rounds, but it's not enough to cycle the subs. So I cut the spring and tested and cut some more. I've got it to the point where it will eject, but it stove pipes about 50% of the time then the other 50% of the time it won't pick up the next round. It will hold the bolt open on an empty mag. I feel like if I take away any more spring it may not close the bolt properly. Anyone ever messed with anything like this, even if not on the same gun? I really want this to work, it'd be great set up.