HK 416D help.

Howard Law

Willy Leadwell

Purveyor of Polyurethane
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2015
Loganville, GA
Zip code
I recently got my first can, a Spectre II and decided to throw it on my 416D with some CCI quiet in it. It wouldn't cycle, which I expected, but I read some stuff online where people had been able to get them to cycle by taking a couple coils off the main spring. It already has an adjustable bolt speed for standard and high velocity rounds, but it's not enough to cycle the subs. So I cut the spring and tested and cut some more. I've got it to the point where it will eject, but it stove pipes about 50% of the time then the other 50% of the time it won't pick up the next round. It will hold the bolt open on an empty mag. I feel like if I take away any more spring it may not close the bolt properly. Anyone ever messed with anything like this, even if not on the same gun? I really want this to work, it'd be great set up.


Mar 23, 2015
That's certainly interesting. Are you that adverse to just buying subs? I can't stand the trajectory of CCi quiets

Willy Leadwell

Purveyor of Polyurethane
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2015
Loganville, GA
Zip code
That's certainly interesting. Are you that adverse to just buying subs? I can't stand the trajectory of CCi quiets
No. I'll shoot standard and high velocity rounds in it too. I'll plink plenty without the suppressor. It's really easy to change the spring, so I thought I could have one spring for running a suppressor and then another standard spring. If it doesn't work out I'll manage, but the CCIs are just so quiet. It's not the same with standard rounds.

Willy Leadwell

Purveyor of Polyurethane
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2015
Loganville, GA
Zip code
Buy any match .22 . It is all subsonic, but cycles most anything. Plus it is actually accurate. Costs more, but you get what you pay for.
Don't give me that "you get what you pay for" business. When I want something, I want it for nothing!


Lol... you can tune it to work with any ammo. Just don't expect it to work with any other after that :)

Willy Leadwell

Purveyor of Polyurethane
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2015
Loganville, GA
Zip code
Lol... you can tune it to work with any ammo. Just don't expect it to work with any other after that :)
I'm not sure if tuning it to run on quiets is possible. Due to my attempts I had to call walther today to get a new mainspring. Went ahead and had them send me two in case I feel inclined to try again.
Very pleased with walther customer service. Even though parts can't be found anywhere else, it made me feel good about owning their products.