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Faktory 47
  1. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned…
  2. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    2 brothers barbeque Ball Bround
  3. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    For the initial call, i doubt any visible marks are necessary. That number is the main state office. They should be able to connect you with the local county folks who deal with these issues, We've had to deal with the Walton County folks for medical & nutritional assistance for Suz's conditions...
  4. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    That's great. The DFCS is a division of Dept. of Human Services I mentioned above. She may have some local contacts that could speed the process.
  5. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I would start with contacting the Georgia Department of Human Services 1 800-436-7442 "To promote stronger families, the Georgia Department of Human Services investigates child and elderly abuse, facilitates adoption and foster parenting, accepts applications for Medicaid, assists single...
  6. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Definitely true. if you & your brother can work your way through the system to get her evaluated for dementia & your dad evaluated for anger management issues (even if your kids have to talk about the gun incident to a judge) the better any actions you may have to take in the future will be...
  7. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    If you need to talk privately, hit me up. I'll drive down & you can buy me Mexican food & we'll discuss options.
  8. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    @Red Dawn is right. If you're not ready to go the family court route yet, file as many TPO's as you can. Even if she doesn't hold him to them by calling the cops, the paper trail is useful in family court/ divorce proceedings.
  9. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Unfortunately, a lot of women in these situations think it can be worked out & "can't imagine" living without the man they love. In my aunt's case mentioned above, i knew how to push her asshole husband's buttons & actually got him to attack me in the courtroom. That pretty much sealed the deal...
  10. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I hate it's come to this, but it sounds like you need to start a family court evaluation. Court ordered psychologists usually see those intimidation tactics like he used on the lawyer over the restraining order as further evidence of mental instability. It will make you the bad guy in your mom's...
  11. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I have this strange psychological condition. Whenever someone says "you can't get one of these stuck", my brain immediately says "The fuck I can't. Get the hell outta my way."
  12. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    He surely does. He's done some leatherwork for me that is equally amazing. I'd have done these knife scales myself in the past, but since the stroke, I don't have the hands for it anymore.
  13. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I bet it is. I love knives with wood scales. I'd rock that thing everyday but I'm way too poor for anything like that. Hell, i was on the phone with @Axeman earlier & my phone freaking died. Goin to have to dip into the $$$ I set aside to work on my truck to buy a phone. :target:That's why i...
  14. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Steal this & deliver it to me:
  15. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

  16. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

  17. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Did you enjoy the frisking? Or were his hands cold?
  18. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Well, I'm serious about wanting an AK but have negative monies.
  19. G

    SOLD Coleman KT196 go cart

    I'll check with my 15 year old grandnephew. he's already into hot rodding mini bikes & go carts big time.
  20. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Damn, I wish I wasn't a stupid poor.