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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    He told me 1k. It was tight and pretty though. Unlike @oio 's mom.
  2. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Get a central unit. It works well and gets a good warranty.
  3. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    How much is a wasr going for now? Got offered one today. Nice wood, tight, good metal.
  4. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Shoulda did yoself to begin with. Trust doesn't exist anymore. You can trust me though. I can help and I won't ask for blowies.
  5. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Still mad I didn't get that gun. Fuck you @oio a cunt anyway. Tell your mom I said hi.
  6. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I would have never left the damn store if I knew what they were selling for. Im a retard.
  7. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I am so fucking angry right now. I went back to buy it and the guy in front of me in line bought it. I was 5 minutes late getting back there.
  8. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Wood micro draco bnib 636 otd. Should I?
  9. karlvv

    Public toilets? If you guys don't jump on this I might have to. A jammaster for that price. Hella deal.
  10. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I'm out now and don't call me a meth head. I'm a meth aficionado.
  11. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Probably the same.
  12. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Ghey. What ya doin later?
  13. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    That sounds like brokeback mountain with uglier dudes.
  14. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I'm trying to trade my AR pistol plus 240 rounds plus 15 mags plus 200 bucks for a commie pistol. Some people are retarded.
  15. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Don't let that good ass beer squish your nose. Gotta breath when drinking God's hooch.
  16. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    I'm not gay. I think my boyfriend is but he's a fucking fag so who cares.
  17. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Are you replying to your own posts and talking about wives? Your husband will be angry with you.
  18. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Dafuq? Spray him down and close the bathroom door. Good lawd.
  19. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    My balls are huge. They touch everything. I'm not gay though. I disproved your theory.
  20. karlvv

    Public toilets?

    Keistering soap makes your farts smell good. Or so I've heard.