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Faktory 47
  1. George P. Burdell

    D.I. or Piston Driven AR

    I like that Piston guns can fold. Thats the only reason I want one. Never owned one though
  2. George P. Burdell

    Pick 3

    Knife, ar, ammo
  3. George P. Burdell

    If money were no object - top five guns

    i don't know anything about most of the guns mentioned. i would probably have to do some googling before i picked my five. i do know a good bit about guns i can afford (or almost afford) though..
  4. George P. Burdell

    My first can.......

    That's a great point I had not considered
  5. George P. Burdell

    DIY GasBuster Charging Handle.

    this is cool. is there any drawback to doing this?
  6. George P. Burdell

    My first can.......

    Is the ability to use standard sight the main reason you prefer the osprey or are there other reasons?
  7. George P. Burdell

    Dat Recoil Tho

    not seein it..
  8. George P. Burdell

    Cannon Scout series lock change.

    What type of lock did you get? Looks cool.
  9. George P. Burdell

    Train... Train.. Train.

    I'm all for people getting training but I don't think it should be part of the permitting process. I don't even think you should have to have a permit...
  10. George P. Burdell

    HK WTF were you thinking!!

    They are slowly catching up to glock...
  11. George P. Burdell

    Wat? how is this not NFA?

    Pretty sure I can make one for $20. Will it fit on my ar pistol? I'm scared my sig brace might get too close to my shoulder
  12. George P. Burdell

    Wat? how is this not NFA?

    Meant that sarcastically. NFA is so stupid.
  13. George P. Burdell

    Wat? how is this not NFA?

    A little duct tape should solve that...
  14. George P. Burdell

    OK Let's Start Some Ish, Full-Auto or Semi-Auto Bolt Carrier

    Excuse my ignorance here but what do they even make semi auto bolts then? Are the just cheaper?
  15. George P. Burdell

    When one wants to build out a registered lower.

    but go ahead and buy the Geissele trigger. you like it ;)
  16. George P. Burdell

    HK WTF were you thinking!!

    Im sure a lot of people will buy them. should add about 20 percent to the value of the gun i would imagine