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GA Firing Line
  1. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    Technically, but not really true any more, someone requires standing to bring a case to the high courts. Standing means you have been harmed. For example the "friends of the Mississippi River" can bring a case against the local government for pollution of the river based on the harm that they...
  2. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    it has nothing to do with the clerical error, now the guys have a solid argument for standing since they have a denial on record. honestly it wouldn't have mattered if it was granted or not.
  3. PewPewPewCo

    SilencerCo Weapons Research

    I'll be 100% honest, these videos make me more skeptical of the company in general since it's such marketing heavy stuff. The old videos with staff talking plainly were much better and giving me reason to trust the company.
  4. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    the guys who got their form 1 machine gun stamps approved, and then suddenly the ATf called and told them to send the stamps back when they received them.
  5. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    Obviously. Belgium politicians tried to crack harder down on gun laws, which are already extremely oppressive, after a grenade attack. It's just politicians reacting to the "we must do something" public.
  6. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    Lol standing is a joke, it's only used if the court doesn't want to hear it.
  7. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    No but I spent a good 4 years in poly sci courses and that is how the 86 ban is taught. Product of drug war violence with its coffin nail driven in after the assassination attempt
  8. PewPewPewCo

    How the 86 Ban Happened.....

    the drug war was in full swing, so there was a new level of violence in the streets, and he actually resisted enacting legislation on guns while it was pretty popular to do so. After he got shot, it really kicked into swing.
  9. PewPewPewCo

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    not sure on exact weights, but the uzi benefits as the bolt actually "hugs" the barrel, meaning that the bolt face is sunk into the bolt, holding gasses maybe just a bit longer before exiting the gun. It's amazingly quiet.
  10. PewPewPewCo

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    40 is an underrated suppressed round IMO. But I couldn't care less about more direct blowback guns. It's old tech thrown in modern shells.
  11. PewPewPewCo

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    if the chamber is getting that hot, I am surprised. direct blowback kind of likes to seand heat to the atmosphere real quick. I wonder the thickness of the chamber walls?
  12. PewPewPewCo

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    thats really strange, was it a serious set of rapid mag dumps?
  13. PewPewPewCo

    Post today's workout

    I can barely walk, and I don't remember how many times through the circuit today. Warmup: 1 mile run @ 7:30 pace 1000m row at 1000cal/hr pace Lunges 100 air squats Circuit 1: (went through at least 5 times) 10 push press with 100lbs 20 push-ups 650lb sled push Circuit 2: Low rows 10x...
  14. PewPewPewCo

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    The heavy bolt is a major cause of the recoil, but it is necessary for a direct blowback action in order to contain the pressure for as long as possible. A major weakness of the direct blowback system.
  15. PewPewPewCo

    Public toilets?

    Is the premium ad still throwing them onto the SET Instagram page? It brought a ton of interest to my ad I set to premium
  16. PewPewPewCo

    Public toilets?

    I turned my ad blocker off for this site only, it's a simple option for it to not be active on this site alone. I also click a few ads each day
  17. PewPewPewCo

    AB Arms Mod X Chassis - Remington 700

    If you have time and availability to make it to a 1000yd range regularly than one the bigger boys you mentioned. If not, then 308 so you can learn to adjust dope better
  18. PewPewPewCo

    AB Arms Mod X Chassis - Remington 700

    It's a Remington Making it look cool won't change you're shooting Get a high quality savage and a B&C medalist stock Pick up bitches left and right at the range.
  19. PewPewPewCo

    Will Suppressors Get Removed From NFA?

    It's a tiny amount of revenue in he whole scheme of things
  20. PewPewPewCo

    Shwell's 300 Blackout PISTOL

    It won't really Kb. There's a pet that catches the bcg so it won't shoot out, and it generally doesn't even need to be replaced if that happens, but it is designed to be a replaceable part