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Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. EugenFJR

    Glock finger grooves

    If you do it right, I guess it dosent look too bad.
  2. EugenFJR

    Glock finger grooves

    I'd look around for a Gen. 2 first. I sold mine last year for 400 bucks, so they are def. out there. I just think you would have a hard time re-selling a gen.3 with that kind of modification, or sell it at a huge loss.
  3. EugenFJR

    Impact crater simulator

    Yeah, I put it over Iran about 5 times... It made me smile. :target:
  4. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Like they haven't been having sex since 11th grade... I do agree its tasteless... But, whatever...
  5. EugenFJR

    Gun Owners Have You Taken Training?

    Yeah, you need to take a course...
  6. EugenFJR


    I find that the Army issue socks are pretty good year round, down here. At Ft. McCoy WI, in the winter I had to have thicker socks or double up. Also foot powder makes a huge differance in keeping your feet happy.
  7. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    We can only hope...
  8. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    The stock market is for 2 people, suckers and insiders, if your not one, your the other...
  9. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

  10. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    What about a old fashion mouser cat?
  11. EugenFJR

    Barrel Rate VS Grain Ammo

    The only reason the army uses 1/7 twist ammo is b/c it is needed to make sure the tracer ammo will "light up" and be stable at distance. A lot of shooters compete w/ 1/8 & 1/9 barrels... I have a 1/9 AR that likes the 69 grain stuff. The only way to find out what it likes, is to shoot a bunch of...
  12. EugenFJR

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    I guess not EVERYTHING made in China is junk... ;)
  13. EugenFJR

    Cmp to get 1911s?

    These will go faster than $2.00 dollar tickets to a Katy Perry concert.... But I'd still like to get one though.
  14. EugenFJR

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    Cold Steel makes a machete Katana, and a Roman short sword as well... They are hard to beat at the price point.
  15. EugenFJR

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    Or one of these... I realy like it as a all around tool self def. weapon.
  16. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I'm just calling out BLM for what it is... A focus group that's only mission is to get as much media attention/ bias against white police officers who shoot blacks in the line of duty, regardless if it was justified or not.
  17. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    That would make more sense... And it would save a whole lot of phoney humility that BLM seems to paint with a broad stroke.
  18. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    So maybe they should change it to "black lives matter if they are shot white cops" Either they "matter" or they don't...
  19. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Show me one time they rallied behind a white guy shot by a Black cop... Yea, thats what I thought, "black lives matter" is clearly a one way street, blacks against the police, mainly white cops. Never mind that the Cops were cleared of the shooting despite overwhelming media bias against them.