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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. SkipD

    Interesting scenario today..

    Closing the windows and locking the doors - before the suspicious fellow got near - would go along with starting the engine in my opinion.
  2. SkipD

    380 over pressure

    Different powders can have extremely different burn rates. Thus, the weight of the charge alone (without knowing precisely what powder it is) really means nothing when analyzing the charge. In addition, commercial and military loads are often made with powders that are not available to us...
  3. SkipD

    Interesting scenario today..

    Having situational awareness of everything around you and making the most appropriate decisions quickly is far superior to using lethal force. We should all be constantly teaching ourselves to analyze what's going on around us and thinking of the best ways to deal with the situations should...
  4. SkipD

    Interesting scenario today..

    It has been a bit slow for sure. Maybe it's the weather?
  5. SkipD

    Thinking about an AR

    Choosing the proper twist rate for a rifle barrel can be very important if accuracy is important. I found this article from another forum that explains the choices for .223 (and 5.56) rifles quite well.
  6. SkipD

    Lead bullets

    Fortunately, my little lathe (a Unimat that I bought over 40 years ago) also has the ability to have the headstock mounted on a post, giving me three tiny tools in one - lathe, drill press, and mill. I have almost all the major accessories made for it. For small jobs, it's quite handy. I'm...
  7. SkipD

    Lead bullets

    Thanks for the feedback, Rich. Unfortunately, I don't have a lathe with a 4-jaw chuck. My little lathe only has a 3-jaw chuck or a face plate to fasten work to.
  8. SkipD

    Lead bullets

    Rich - what did you do with the mold to "cut off the base"? I'm guessing that you used a milling machine to shorten the top of the mold.
  9. SkipD

    Luber sizer heater

    Rich - can you estimate how warm the sizing press is when you've got it working well with the heater? I'm not sure, but I would guess that anything over about 125°F is probably going to make the lube almost turn into a liquid. Also - what bullet lube do you use? I would imagine that different...
  10. SkipD

    Interesting scenario today..

    I wonder if panhandlers would keep up what they do if nobody gave them anything.
  11. SkipD

    Adding Utah (non-resident) permit

    I decided to leave all weapons at home while on a trip down South over the past week and a half and, fortunately, never had a situation where I may have regretted that decision.
  12. SkipD

    Interesting scenario today..

    I'm sure I would have been out of there in a heartbeat after recognizing the fellow as being suspicious.
  13. SkipD

    Luber sizer heater

    Rich - approximately what temperature are you trying to achieve? I've always done my sizing/lubing at room temperature.
  14. SkipD

    Thinking about an AR

    Pure magic of course. ;)
  15. SkipD

    Thinking about an AR

    Fred, regardless of your choice for the base hardware you should make your AR lightweight like mine: ::)
  16. SkipD

    Isaac's coming to town!

    My wife and I were down in the deep South for a few days (San Antonio to east of Baton Rouge and then north through Mississippi) and just got home. We have several good friends through the area and surely hope for the best for all.
  17. SkipD

    The LC9 and your personal reload

    When I'm reloading for my self-defense weapons, I attempt to match my commercial self-defense ammo as much as possible for practice ammo. This includes using identical bullets as the commercial self-defense ammo when (and it usually is) possible and also getting the measured velocity as close...
  18. SkipD

    Convert your 6 round Ruger LCP .380 caliber magazine into a 7 round

    I'm gonna have to order a few kits as soon as another project is finished.
  19. SkipD

    380 What is the best accessory you have added to your .380?

    Carbide grit epoxied into the LCP slide grooves on the right side for a better grip on the slide. This mod is a LOT better than the stair step tape I had used.
  20. SkipD

    Swivel studs?

    Since I have not added one of those to a rifle stock in almost 40 years, I'll have to ask my son what his opinion is (he builds rifles for fun). I probably won't see him for a couple of weeks, though. I'd suspect there are others here with more recent information.