This is the way. Me and @Gaige will be your coachesNo! I'mma fight it and be high AF
This is the way. Me and @Gaige will be your coachesNo! I'mma fight it and be high AF
Armed Black Panthers escorted a Michigan Congresswoman in the Capital. Nobody got shot.Since we wanna play that game if those armed men were black they would’ve been shot dead.......
Tip number 1: you never win but it’s always fun to try.This is the way. Me and @Gaige will be your coaches
looks goodOf course it is raining... but it still looks good in natural light.
View attachment 85790 View attachment 85791 View attachment 85792
This one is getting a permanently attached SET sticker....
I am extremely pleased with how this turned out and I have no intention of selling this one.
I am looking for a busted bakelite mag so I can see how well it will take the dye.
I like AKs and curried goat.
I bet you shart while you’re out @Jstegman1
Of course it is raining... but it still looks good in natural light.
View attachment 85790 View attachment 85791 View attachment 85792
This one is getting a permanently attached SET sticker....
I am extremely pleased with how this turned out and I have no intention of selling this one.
I am looking for a busted bakelite mag so I can see how well it will take the dye.
I don’t AK at all. But I’m willing to learn.
Polish Bayo?Mail call!
High visibility AK front sight posts
East German cleaning brush
Bayonet inserts for my Tabuk sheath
Tapco Slab Side
Polish RPG motor pouch.... Which I have absolutely no use for but it was a good deal so I bought it anyways.
View attachment 85779 View attachment 85782 View attachment 85783 View attachment 85784 View attachment 85785 View attachment 85786 View attachment 85787
Always say your prayers and make peace. I've been put to sleep and under the knife my fair share.Catch y'all on the flip side
View attachment 85774
1984Apparently riot, rioting, rioters, or any reference to the word "riot" is now out of favor with the news people and other ass hats. Look at how the word protest, protester, is being used in the context of the George Floyd demonstrations.
George Floyd protesters set Minneapolis police station on fire; National Guard called in
Protesters Enter Minneapolis Police Station, Set Fire
police station burned - Search Videos
George Floyd Protesters Breach Minneapolis Police Precinct and Watch It Burn. Here's What to Know
Minnesota Governor: Continuing Protests Are ‘a Mockery of Pretending This Is About George Floyd’s Death’
Gov. Walz authorizes full mobilization of Minnesota National Guard to handle the
WATCH LIVE: Minneapolis Police Department's 3rd Precinct burns as protests continue following George
police station burned - Search Videos
It’s those damn Antifas. When I lived in Newnan we had a white supremacist group come to town and antifa used it as a excuse to come and try and fuck up my hometown. They were met with something they’ve never seen before. A multi agency cops from all around southwest GA, tact the fuck up with AR’s armored vehicles etc. they didn’t take any of their antifa shit. It was text book how Coweta county handled those domestic terrorists. I was so proud of them haha. If you want to see what I’m talking about google newnan antifa protest, couple videos should come up showing the no bs LEO showing these fuckers we don’t play in GA. They went home crying to their mommasHe should be prosecuted. I think the rioting was a bit premature. I havent looked into it, but I also heard that at least a portion of the looters werent locals. Realistically the actions taken against all the cops involved were imediate, which is rare. No paid leave while an investigation took place, just gone. Which, for this case, they should be. Now, if it was a week from now and they still havent been indicted or arrested, I can fully understand large NON VIOLENT protest.