Upcoming LaserMax evaluation

Howard Law


What Would Paladin Do?
I remember back in the Elsie Pea days there were numerous "discussions" about whether to lase or not to lase (apologies to Will S.)

But, for sights on a handgun, that is a question that was never answered satisfactorily to me. So, I contacted three laser sight makers asking for evaluating units that I can put to the test and report the results, along with my personal opinions. One, LaserMax, has responded to date. I have heard nothing so far from Crimson Trace nor LaserLyte. Once the LaserMax unit has arrived, I will do an initial report, then a more extensive one once I have had a chance to give it a good field test and real-world carry. I will let everyone know when the first report goes up on my blog: sdcarry.blogspot.com

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Mar 7, 2010
Athens, GA USA
Mayo....looking forward to your report.... :D

Lots of folks like to practice their trigger control with a laser as they can see their mistakes if the laser beam moves on the wall when they pull the trigger..... :)


Question Mayo, are you just going to do a laser eval or is a laser/light combo in the picture? I find myself contemplating a purchase of a laser/light set-up or maybe just a light for a compact pistol with a rail. Every time I get a plus to justify it I also get a minus to nill it! Can't decide!! Does anyone have any experience with these? :-X


Mar 22, 2010
mukwah said:
Question Mayo, are you just going to do a laser eval or is a laser/light combo in the picture? I find myself contemplating a purchase of a laser/light set-up or maybe just a light for a compact pistol with a rail. Every time I get a plus to justify it I also get a minus to nill it! Can't decide!! Does anyone have any experience with these? :-X

I don't have any experience with lights on a gun. I do with CT and LaserMax. I don't care for a laser on the gun, but that is just me. Regarding the light, I would only point out it seems harder to find a holster that will work with the light on the gun. If it is not for carry then that would not matter.

The other thing about lights on a gun. I'm not a criminal, but If I was and was armed and someone put a light on me in the dark, I would likely shoot at the light. :eek: :eek: I've seen several self defense shows that talk about that concept and it was suggested to have a light for use in the weak hand, held a little way from the body a little.


Those are the same thoughts I keep coming up with lws. Thought I might like one but just can't justify the $100 plus purchase! Lasers have never worked well for me also, but I'm open to reconsideration. :-\


What Would Paladin Do?
I am on the road today. Hopefully there will be a couple of laser sights waiting when I get home. I am seeking answers to these kinds if questions too. I agree with the notion that lights make holsters hard to find, bulk out the gun and are "revealing". However while you know the light is attached to the gun, the bad guy does not.

Still, the jury is out for me concerning lights attached to a pistol.

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