The other side of Midnight - this should be in your arsenal

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Jun 9, 2012
Ok, We cannot run and hide from the recent case that is in the news. A man defends himself and is brought into a maze of a torrid legal system, one that will do everything possible to send him to prison for protecting his own life. This case has made me think hard about an insurance plan that will give me or my family protection if, God forbid, I find myself in a situation that I have to defend my own life. I know that most umbrella plans will not cover your defense, but there are companies that specialize in this insurance product. I believe the NRA has one if you are a member, but I want the most and the best. Any suggestions, or do you even have one?

Just saw this: NRA self-defense insurance


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
It seems like a good guy always finishes last.


DROID3 - Tap talk

Nope. If you're looking at the garbage in the Media today it's pretty easy to get to thinking that way. It's all just another brick in the wall when it comes to the never ending culture war in this country. Take the Zimmerman case. 6 Lady Jurors decided to follow the letter of the law and reaffirm our individual right to self defense. So ignore the half-truths, out right lies and all that stuff. The good guys always win. But there's always going to be a few bumps in the road.

About the insurance thing. Something to consider. Unless you've got enough stashed away to cover the initial expenses of hiring an attorney it's going to get rough.


Jun 9, 2012
"6 Lady Jurors decided to follow the letter of the law and reaffirm our individual right to self defense."

You got to be kidding right? A different jury pool could have crucified this guy for protecting his own life! I hardly call OJ Simpson winning his case, a case of the good guy winning. By the way, they have now successfully blocked Zimmerman from getting his weapon back, and the guy and his family, now a sitting ducks. Hardly justice and totally illegal.Not what you call a fair legal system. And Zimmerman probably has not seen his last trial. :mad:


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
davevabch said:
"6 Lady Jurors decided to follow the letter of the law and reaffirm our individual right to self defense."

You got to be kidding right? A different jury pool could have crucified this guy for protecting his own life! I hardly call OJ Simpson winning his case, a case of the good guy winning. By the way, they have now successfully blocked Zimmerman from getting his weapon back, and the guy and his family, now a sitting ducks. Hardly justice and totally illegal.Not what you call a fair legal system. And Zimmerman probably has not seen his last trial. :mad:

Well they certainly put a few of my concerns to rest. Stand Your Ground and Self Defense Laws were touted since this mess started since they "allegedly" kept the DA and Police Department from arresting Zimmerman. Those 6 Ladies spent hours paying attention during the trail and in their deliberations no doubt reflected on the instructions they had received. Sure had there been a jury composed of folks who were more interested in Social Justice .i.e. "We gotta convict him of something!!" Zimmerman would be spending the next decade or three behind bars. But that wasn't the case.

Actually I would be interested in reading about some of the discussion that went as they reviewed the case and expression of their individual opinion. There were a couple of folks who wanted to convict Zimmerman but no doubt the foreman or someone referred to the judges instructions and the elements required to convict him under the charges just wasn't there. Now that they are out and about in their own communities I'd bet money they're dreading the day some clown says to them... "You mean you were on the jury that let that man murder that child? That's why the first Juror who began speaking to the Media expressed concerns that the charges the Prosecution brought and what type of weapons people were allowed to use. She used to have a concealed carry permit and was familiar with the laws.

I doubt that the Feds are going to come after Zimmerman. I also think that his lawyers are going to probably get an out of court settlement with NBC. As far as civil liabilities go, Zimmerman's lawyers held off of pleading his case under their concealed carry laws. Now that he's been found not guilty there is nothing that says they can use that to seek relief for him.

So show a little respect for the Ladies, they earned it. But no doubt that decision was begrudgingly rendered by a few of them.
I should be so lucky if the need should ever arise.
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