SIgn it

GA Firing Line


Mar 14, 2016
I have no doubt he will sign it. This is the standard practice on firearms bills. He usually will wait until December 30 or 31 and it will take effect March 30. It passed with overwhelming support and Kasich has a track record of signing such bills. I think he decided to deal with the Abortion bills first because they will get a lot more attention. He is still dealing with the media fallout of those and will sign SB199 at the last minute like he always does. It allows it to sort of fly under the radar (which is why I think they always wait until the end of term to push the gun bills through as well).

David (OHGO)

Sep 29, 2016
Looks like it got signed today.

Does this include the provision where you can't be fired for leaving your concealed carry in your vehicle while at work?

Randy (OHGO)

Feb 6, 2016
extremely weak language on the campus carry portion, why would you give the go or no go to the campus administration?  This was just a feel good provision with no teeth.

David (OHGO)

Sep 29, 2016
extremely weak language on the campus carry portion, why would you give the go or no go to the campus administration?  This was just a feel good provision with no teeth.

Sure is. I don't think there will be a single major campus in Ohio that allows for it. 

I suppose maybe one or two obscure regional campus perhaps might try it, but I kind of doubt even that.


Feb 1, 2016
Looks like it got signed today.

Does this include the provision where you can't be fired for leaving your concealed carry in your vehicle while at work?

Sub. SB 199 will also allow an employee to store a firearm in his or her locked vehicle without fear of employer retribution.  Throughout the country, many employers have adopted “No Firearms” policies that extend beyond the physical workplace to include employee parking lots – areas often accessible to the general public and not secure.  These misguided policies leave employees to choose between protecting themselves during their commutes and be subject to termination by their employers.  The fundamental right to self-defense should not stop simply because employees park their cars in publicly accessible parking lots owned by their employers.  This bill will correct that problem by prohibiting employers from establishing, maintaining or enforcing such policies.

Randy (OHGO)

Feb 6, 2016
I don't believe that the employee coverage includes public school employees parking in school parking lots, or am I wrong?


Mar 14, 2016
I was also disappointed in the college campus language as well as the day care center language. I can elaborate on why later if you like.

But I am thrilled with 2 provisions. First is the employee protection. My wife can't carry to and from work because her employer won't even allow guns in employees' cars. That will all change and I couldn't be happier. Second is a provision not many people are talking about but is major. It's the changes to R.C. 2923.122 that allows for a person to have a gun in a school parking lot so long as it is locked in the car if they leave. I've been waiting for this provision for years now and it finally got passed. It never made sense that someone would have to travel to various cities to watch their kid play sports and not be protected to and from the event just because a school zone was their final destination. Much like the employee protection portion of the bill, this will allow carry for those commuting to and from school events. 

Randy, I think the section on school zone parking lots will answer your question regarding school employees because it simply says 2923.122 doesn't apply to any person who carries pursuant to their license and keeps the gun locked in the car. This would apply to school employees as well as far as I can tell right now.


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
@T.L.Jones  I haven't had a chance to read the bill in full detail. What are the reasons you are disappointed with the College Campus and Day-Care portions?


Mar 14, 2016
The college campus provision basically left the exact language we had before where you can't carry on a college campus unless it is locked in a motor vehicle or in the process of being locked in a motor vehicle, and all they did was add on to the end of that section the phrase -or if the college permits it (paraphrased)- So basically they left it up to the colleges to make rules permitting carrying on their campuses. First, I don't think many of them actually will, so the bill might have no effect. And second, I have concerns for the whole idea of R.C. 9.68 and Ohioans for Concealed Carry v. Clyde decision if we start taking the rulemaking authority from the legislature and putting it in other bodies. That's a slope I don't want to slide down.

As for the daycare centers, I also don't think that will have much effect in reality. They removed day care centers from the list of prohibited places, but then created a new crime for carrying in a day care center if there is a posted sign saying no guns. It is a misdemeanor of the first degree rather than an m4 criminal trespass, and a felony on a second offense. That's all fine, but right now day care centers are required to have a no guns sign. I think in reality, very few, if any, will remove their signs, so the practical result of the bill will be no change at all. You still won't be able to carry in a day care center, and if you do in violation of a sign, it will still be an M1 instead of an M4 like all other locations are.

But again, those are relatively minor issues (unless the supreme court invalidates 9.68 based on them, which is unlikely), so I can't stress enough how excited I am for this bill. It recognizes some fundamental aspects of concealed carry that have been neglected by our state that other states seem to understand. And that's that by prohibiting carry in some places means it also prohibits carrying on the way to and from those places. Remedying that is a major victory in my opinion.