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GA Firing Line
  1. Sheps

    How long before female MMA is 100% tranny?

    There's another perspective here in the male vs female fight. If you're the guy, this is a lose lose situation. You win "well, you beat up a girl, so it doesn't really count does it". You lose and your career instantly becomes deader than the dodo, you just got beat by a girl.
  2. Sheps

    The Right to Keep and Bear What?

    What if we have completely misunderstood the term "bear arms"?
  3. Sheps

    Healthy Smoking

    Fuhuhuhuhuuuuhuck that. Just adjust the rest of your diet. I'm not sacrificing the tastiest shit for a 6 pack. Chick will have to deal with plane old 4.
  4. Sheps

    Public toilets?

    Sickening. Liveleak footage of what was aired.
  5. Sheps

    Too much ammo?

    I'm sorry I don't understand. Too much ammo? What is that?
  6. Sheps

    Riddle me this...

    Won't someone think of the 9mils? Please! Someone think of the 9mils! But really, think about it. Smaller barrel = less materials = lower cost. Right? Right.
  7. Sheps

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    No, no, I'm very well versed in the culture, history and forging process.
  8. Sheps

    Economic Depression/Collapse forcasted for Sept/Fall this year

    I think you guys might have to start a money/stocks/trading thread. @Hoss @Laufen @ImADad
  9. Sheps

    Public toilets?

    Investments or trading?
  10. Sheps

    Public toilets?

    Any of you happen to be a money wizard and can explain what's going on. Be certain to include how loud we should be shouting and how much we should be panicking (base 10 value of course).
  11. Sheps

    Looking to start reloading?

    Certainly makes sense to make what you shoot the most. Almost like producing your own gas, why wouldn't you?
  12. Sheps

    Looking to start reloading?

    I didn't mean to make it sound as if you were doing something wrong. At least that was not my intention. Also wasn't trying to suggest you couldn't save money, or I guess make better use of it would be a better way to put it. Just seems to me (in my ignorance) it might be a better use of that...
  13. Sheps

    Looking to start reloading?

    Would like to hear from the experienced guys but I would THINK, this is the wrong way to go, no? So if you're going to get into reloading, shouldn't it be for less common, less available/cost prohibitive rounds? Thoughts?
  14. Sheps

    AK Porn

    There's something real sexy about an AK with dark brunette furniture... Mmm Brunettes.
  15. Sheps

    5/3/1 Strength

    Rippetoe's Starting Strength is great also. Can't go wrong with either of those.
  16. Sheps

    The Off Target Gun Photography Thread

    Awesome AF.
  17. Sheps

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    Gotta be honest I never understood why people thought katanas were something special. They're not. They're just swords.
  18. Sheps

    5/3/1 Strength

    Sorry to tell you but, doesn't matter what program you're on, ain't gonna work if you don't.