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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. rOmiLaYu

    Double Taps are BS

    I agree with the sentiment but I don't know that it effectively does anymore than a double tap. The idea behind the Failure Drill is that if a double tap doesn't stop the threat, it is assumed that no amount of further hits to center mass will so the next logical step up the power curve is the...
  2. rOmiLaYu

    Double Taps are BS

    I would assume COM to mean "center of mass." As to the bullets landing in the same hole on a double tap, highly unlikely.
  3. rOmiLaYu

    Double Taps are BS

    I'm saying "sometimes." As a default, no. In a specific application where a threat has refused to stop advancing and lethal force is advised, yes.
  4. rOmiLaYu

    Double Taps are BS

    I read an article years ago that has stuck with me to this day, basically debunking the idea of the double tap. It had a lot of science-y medical stuff in it that I didn't quite understand but the basic thrust of the argument was that two bullet holes in two different parts of the body did more...
  5. rOmiLaYu

    Desert Eagle beauty

    Yeah.....I'm not a big socializer. Past a handful of folks and I'm ready to leave.
  6. rOmiLaYu

    Desert Eagle beauty

    I go by when I can. Work and family keep me pretty busy.
  7. rOmiLaYu

    Desert Eagle beauty

    I guess you're a better man than dunkel, then.
  8. rOmiLaYu

    Desert Eagle beauty

    I want Laufen to run into Survivor Johnny. :whistling:
  9. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    Yup, and apparently Shitecrete, which I currently seem to be up, sans paddle. Fixed. :yo:
  10. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    Which makes it much less discreet, in my eyes.
  11. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    I agree...but I don't even want that guy to make me. Obviously, at some point, everybody's busted....but as grey as I can be, the better.
  12. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    I probably do....and have been accused of as much before. I guess I just figure that if I notice, it's logical that others will.
  13. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    Oh...well if that's all this is about, I have over-thought. If you're just looking for a discreet range bag, then yeah, just about anything will do. I thought the conversation was more about a constant carry setup.
  14. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    OK, dsp.
  15. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    Right...but there it is again...hipsters walking around with banjo cases. There's a context for that. A mid 30's bald guy with Levi's and a tshirt in line at the grocery with a violin case? context for that. It's out of place. I'm not advocating LBE or anything like that...I'm just...
  16. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    I don't think I'm the only one.
  17. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    Just as you used to do on ODT, whenever you result to this type of rhetoric, you've already conceded the point. I suppose the implication is that anyone who would assume there is a weapon in an instrument case is either unintelligent, a hillbilly, or a's really difficult to tell given...
  18. rOmiLaYu

    Stealth Mode

    I'm sorry but instrument cases are anything but inconspicuous. If I see you in line at the grocery or walking the neighborhood with a violin case, you have a gun.
  19. rOmiLaYu

    So, ARE YOU READY for ISIS?!?!?!

    Nothing wrong with a small penis.