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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. rOmiLaYu

    RMR/GLOCK... Yes or No?

  2. rOmiLaYu

    RMR/GLOCK... Yes or No?

    The Suarez cartel seems to be all over it as the next big "thing." I'm with you, mtdawg, just doesn't seem....I don't know....."smart" to me. The purpose of a pistol, in my world, is defensive and as a last resort...I want it as uncomplicated as possible so that gross motor skills...
  3. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

  4. rOmiLaYu

    AR10 SBR

    It's a PTR post sample....and it is painful to shoot. Rattled my fillings. ;)
  5. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    Put a bible verse on it. At least then muslims won't touch it.
  6. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    Is this considered "being a dick?" :boink:
  7. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    To be clear...I'm not "brushing off" anything....if anything, I am attempting to express that I wish I could be more emotionally attached.
  8. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    For whatever else he may be, Mr. Campolo gets people to think....and for that, I appreciate him.
  9. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    I'm not saying I should feel the way that I do...I'm just being honest about it. Sometimes I wish I had more empathy....but then I think I'd go mad. Reminds me of Tony Campolo. Years ago I heard him speak at a very old and storied southern church. He opened his sermon by saying something along...
  10. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    I have to agree with the sentiment regarding Ken Ford. As former LE, it makes sense that is default is to defend them in cases where things are unclear. He may be a little bit defensive, but given all the cop bashing that goes on over there, it would be hard not to be. He and one other are the...
  11. rOmiLaYu

    new headcam footage

    Just admit it, lax, you want a barcode tattoo on your neck almost as bad as you want to Bic your head.
  12. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

  13. rOmiLaYu

    School me on 922r

    If you've done a Saiga, it's the exact same thing minus relocating the trigger guard.
  14. rOmiLaYu

    Public toilets?

    "It is unclear whether or not the homeowner was armed." "Responding LEO shot in the leg." Sooooo.......who shot the sheriff?
  15. rOmiLaYu

    School me on 922r

    Nothing that I wouldn't have changed anyway. I swapped out the FCG with a TAPCO, replaced the buttstock, pistol grip, furniture, and added a muzzle device. The only thing that cost me money that I wouldn't have spent was the buttstock. I had to get the USA vcrsion and it was about $80 more than...
  16. rOmiLaYu

    School me on 922r
  17. rOmiLaYu

    School me on 922r

    And there's the rub. It doesn't matter...but it does. I ran in to this when I put together my M92 PAP SBR. I got all sort of conflicting information regarding 922(r) compliance and SBR's. Some said that the NFA status trumped 922(r) and other disagreed. I decided that for my piece of mind, I'd...
  18. rOmiLaYu

    Running a LIMITED EDITION Star Wars Patch

    @DSTEINDZIGN Any update? Coming up on almost eight weeks...
  19. rOmiLaYu

    I hate to say this but I see it all the time.

    "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." - Long Haired, Pacifist Jesus
  20. rOmiLaYu

    Mental illness and the right to bear arms

    Heh heh. You said "taint."