Before going off on every 18-21 year old, I will say that I know several people, including myself, who were just as excited to buy a pistol at 21 as to be able to drink. There is a large portion of the current generation that does enjoy our freedom, its just that much like with the fucking imbeciles doing the tide pod challenge and other things its the vocal idiots who are loudest and stupid. A lot of the dumb social media posts and other things are the part of the generation that gives a shit about that, whereas the more rational, reasoned side stays away from that shit for the most part. There are young people on both sides, but only one side has the attention whores. Just my .02 cents as one of the youngest on this forum I would imagine. It really is a case by case deal, I know people who are 18 that are as mature as 40 year olds, and I know people who should not be allowed to continue to waste our oxygen that are "responsible adults with jobs" now. At the end of the day, any attempt to erode our God given right to protect ourselves is horrible and despicable. I love that these fuckwads hate both cops and guns, which just shows how dumb they are. Let me just deprive myself of my right to protection...and then attack the people who would then be my only protection. Brilliant reasoning.