We are a society of law... for good or bad.
Many months ago, Ohio legislators passed a bill that restricted unions to the point that they were no longer a part of the business environment. Affected people, in outrage, gathered in force and petitioned this action go to the voters in the state. The legislation was soundly defeated by popular vote. You would think this would be the nail in this coffin.
Just in the last week, a bill was introduced to re-instate much of the same anti-union verbiage the voters rejected so soundly just months before. An obvious agenda. It doesn't matter which side of the labor lines you stand, it does matter that the populace spoke and lawmakers see fit to not listen.
The same is true for 2A and any form of gun legislation. If traction can be gained in opposition to this right, some flippin lawmakers will continue to chip away until our resolve to keep our rights wane.
I will continue to support the NRA and its lobbying power. This still seems to me to be the best defense against any anti-gunner. My voice may bring a couple or a few people into the ranks of positive gun culture, but in the big picture we need the big NRA voice more than ever.