I'll be putting up pictures of all the cool patches I've got. I really enjoy collecting star wars and nordic themed patches. I can directly trace my ancestry back to Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish Vikings, and I flippin love Star Wars. Feel free to throw up some pictures of your own!
First I'll throw up my ITS May the 4th 2nd set. Easily one of the coolest, its got R2 and Chewie in it! I have the third and the bounty hunter set, but I cannot find anyone willing to part with their 1st to complete the collection.
First I'll throw up my ITS May the 4th 2nd set. Easily one of the coolest, its got R2 and Chewie in it! I have the third and the bounty hunter set, but I cannot find anyone willing to part with their 1st to complete the collection.