Im taking a break from guns and selling off most of them so I can get a boat to take my son fishing. my question to ya'll is, What is required and how hard is it to sell a personal can?
Can't you go through a dealer like @DoglegArms and he holds it till cleared?
If the dealer is willing, it can be sent to the dealer for repairs if he is an 07/02 while the paperwork is processing.You have to add DogLegArms to the trust so he can hold it or end up doing 2 forms. It’s best to buy from dealers unless you know and trust the seller with your hard earned $ for a couple months till it clears. I did buy or trade rather a Glock 27 for a 9mm can to an individual. It can be done just like any other transfer.
Whatcha thinking of selling?Im taking a break from guns and selling off most of them so I can get a boat to take my son fishing. my question to ya'll is, What is required and how hard is it to sell a personal can?