RATS! 4,500 men down!

Faktory 47


Personal philosophy? Clothing optional.
Jun 10, 2012
Fl's west coast
I got a few cases of bulk stuff delivered and it was supposed to be here yesterday. I didn't see it when I got home last night. The UPS tracking says it was left by the door. I e-mailed Cabela's, they got back to me and just got another email saying they have refunded the entire amount. Well, OK? What about the bullets? I kinda doubt some thief just snatched 'em off the porch, we live next to a cop and the police station is within view. Anything could have happened, I guess. Maybe call the cops?


Personal philosophy? Clothing optional.
Jun 10, 2012
Fl's west coast
lol, I think Johnny Law is changing from G22s the the G21, 13 rd .45s. The shoould cut me a deal on some old .40 ammo. I bought Speer in bulk .38+p when the cops switched to Gs.


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
LOL. Check with the neighbor's. UPS delivered an antique to one of my neighbor's house. Fortunately he was an honest fellow and things worked out. I've established a pretty good working relationship with some of the people that work down at the Distribution & Processing Center. I even have the cell phone numbers for the Dispatcher and several Driver who normally cover my neighborhood.

You might call UPS and see if they can be of assistance.

You might also want to file a theft report with your local Police, just in case a box of ammo shows up in a "wrong" location with your name and address on them.


Jun 8, 2012
Southeast Wisconsin
Zip code
Verti, there are several times when deliveries via UPS and FedEx have been delivered to our neighbors. Fortunately, we live in a very friendly country neighborhood and we've always gotten our packages but it's still frustrating when that happens.

We know Dave, our regular UPS driver, very well now, and he's not going to deliver our stuff to the wrong address again, but when he's on vacation we need to be alert. The only trouble is the bi-weekly deliveries (Avon) that my wife gets are now coming via another carrier and we don't see Dave enough to know when he isn't on the route.

Of course, it helps to be retired so I can be at home and alert when we have packages due.


Jun 10, 2012
Louisville, KY
I had a situation recently where my package (ammo) was listed as on the truck for delivery by the end of the business day from UPS. I got home from work late that night and asked my wife if she had seen a package fom me, as she'd gotten home earlier. She said, no I didn't see a package. So, I went out with a flashlight and checked the usual places, nothing! I thought my wife was joking with me, but she assured me she wasn't. I then called UPS and they said my package had never made it on to the truck and would arrive the next day. It did.

I'm really concerned that one of the proposed laws being looked into for gun control is ammo face-to-face sales only. I buy probably 50% or more of my ammo online and save a fair amount of money doing it. I've used Cabela's, Ammo-to-Go, and Natchez, in the past.