Can verifyEverything ITP is a shit hole.
Sorry @Laufen
Can verifyEverything ITP is a shit hole.
Sorry @Laufen
I do. From an AK-V 9 so it's not very long. You'd have to come and get it, not going to my shithole post office lol. 30030 zipcodeSo serious question - does anyone have extra PSA/Century cardboard foam lined boxes that they'd be willing to part with? I need a few of them.
sorry im a noob, are yall talking about Arfcom:
It appears many DNS servers are not giving answers to DNS queries of certain sites, including arfcom.
I changed to and that fixed the issue (for now).
So, not really sure what's cookin' but something is going on.
Didn't Rabbit just sell a Bake for $63 shipped like last night? Did anyone take him up on that?
yessorry im a noob, are yall talking about
Booted off GoDaddy is what I heard
This area is damned nice, it's just full of assholes.
sorry im a noob, are yall talking about
ok, something brewing with Trump and possible martial law. Anyone else hearing this?
Fuck Bill Parsons with a sandpaper dildo.
Owner of GoDaddyWho?
No. We’re talking about
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