I know a feeling. I lost offers on 3 pistols in 2 weeks. Gave up and will buy new.Makarov was a bust. SVT 40 was a bust. Damn...
I know a feeling. I lost offers on 3 pistols in 2 weeks. Gave up and will buy new.Makarov was a bust. SVT 40 was a bust. Damn...
Eres de Chile?La Quique for us.
That my friend is a moose knuckleYour reflection appears to have a camel toe good sir!
Grilling a beef tenderloin for our work Christmas party. So first thing I did was rub the meat...then I washed my hands and put seasonings on the tenderloin.
Thought it was Wiener Manglers great return? No?OK , confess who are you from over there ? Mod?
First rule of electricity is turn the power off. Lol
Gotta get a hotstick manYou'll find out the breakers are mislabeled when you arc a hole through the side of your ratcheting screwdriver...
Rainin here, nice and quiet
View attachment 110334
That didn't take long.this weather is NASTY
That didn't take long.
This would TRAUMATIZE my little oneJust had to post this here.
Some of the best things in life are pink
just scored Unintended Consequences for $40 bucks shipped. man I am excited. All thanks to nonliberal over at ODT within 10 mins of my WTB post he had me tipped off to goodwill books.com and they had it!
Not always pink, damn you and your discrimination...
About 2 or 3 years ago I took my kids to play on the playground at the same park that @Matt Ellerbee works now. When we got there I noticed a Suburban parked sideways across 3 parking spots facing the playground. I didn't really think anything of it because it's not really a busy park and we were the only other people there. I played with the kids for a few minutes and then went and sat down on the bench. I looked at the Suburban and I see a guy sitting in the driver's seat and then I see a head bobbing. At this point I'm a little annoyed they didn't take their endeavors somewhere else but whatever. A few minutes later I look over and dude is in the back seat pounding away on this chick. I'm sure they had a fun time explaining that to the cops. Hate to be a cock block but there is plenty of parking elsewhere at that park that's not right in front of a damn playground.