He's always behind
We're not all cool
He's always behind
You don’t remember me posting this? Hottest of the hotWe're not all cool
Let whom know?@Balthaz @DeanMoriarty @triplestack3 @Jeddak will let him know and we can figure out the money and what not, i have zelle or venmo
Does that little wheel ever stop rolling?@Jake .... since you're text message impared, may this find you well....
$150 ultratechs, double edge. Plus shipping. While they last.
Does that little wheel ever stop rolling?
Can I leave it and fuck off elsewhere? Or does that start me over?Eventually... but gosh damn what a wait.
Can I leave it and fuck off elsewhere? Or does that start me over?
Ordered one - and a couple other things....No, but Clearview Investments has them at a reasonable price
Clearview Investments Inc. AMD65 Original Surplus Cleaning Rod (11.5")
AMD65 Original Surplus Cleaning Rod (11.5")www.clearviewinvest.com
Use a boresnake lolWait - if it's an 11.5" cleaning rod, and a 16" barrel, WTF use is that??
to late but i will take 3 and you take 1 I will shareFuckitall. I'll go for 1
Can do Venmo
You don’t remember me posting this? Hottest of the hot
He's always behind
I was hoping to find one of those chest rigs today at the show but no dice, I do have two SKS chest rigs though, and I was gonna offer @Jstegman1 one of em for all the free loot I got off of him at the scofflaw meet, but he never bit on my "wHeReS tHe cHeSt RiG" commentsI keep flatbacks in my #1 chest rig. That's actually about it. They handle great and run 100% reliable.
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