I got a canoe, I don’t need a room.
rock da boat

I got a canoe, I don’t need a room.
rock da boat
I got a canoe, I don’t need a room.
rock da boat
Or just get a surplus Galil stock from Centerfire systems and replace the ACE stock. Keep the OEM folding knuckle. It it the best design.Galil Ace Folding Stock Me
Galil ACE Skeleton Stock w/Folding Mechanism & Stock Adapter
The ACE AKFX Skeleton Stocks are robust, sturdy aluminum stock assembly and are a fantastic option for mounting on any AK, and the Galil ACE is no exception! The ACE Original Skeleton Stock AKFX(L)…www.knsprecisioninc.com
Romance in a boat, or ducking near water?
Ducking in a boat.Romance in a boat, or ducking near water?
I still love you boo
Thought you were gonna stop buying mags???Somebody sell me some mags! Looking for:
- Bakelites
- Izzy spine and side stamp
- 40rd Bulgarian steelie
- 40rd Molot star and shield MARKED bake
- Izzy Svetogor
- AK 103 mags
- Anything cool/interesting
PM me whatcha got!
portable Meth lab?
portable Meth lab?
Don’t like your neighbor?I had built a 9mm upper and had about $1K in it, had some interference issues between the bolt/barrel, swapped out the bolt and then the bolt didn't want to work with the Endomags. I think I sold it for $300 just to get it out of my sight. I wanted to go out in the yard and throw it across the street.
Nobody ever suspects a chicken coop
True. Deep wounds cannot be sutured because if a void is captured, gangrene can set in. Best to leave it open and let it drain.They won't stitch them because it's a puncture wound