Or SAR1 $250. Saigas $300. Good old days.Remember when WASRs were like $400-500?
Or SAR1 $250. Saigas $300. Good old days.Remember when WASRs were like $400-500?
Still no 107FR. Wonder if it is coming back.But the PAIN. That SLR is available again. I remember when they were $799.
I wonder if my (10) mags will work in this. If so I might snag lol![]()
Still have mine here somewhere and i checked it a few years ago and it still works LOLHow about Commodore64?
$20 stabby boi
Item Gone: FS Yugoslavian AK 47 bayonet
Item Name: FS Yugoslavian AK 47 bayonet Location: Woodstock,Roswell Item is for: Sale Only Sale Price: 20.00 Willing to Ship: No Bill of Sale Required?: No Item Description: In cosmoline fits all Wasr’s with a bayonet lug Pictures:www.theoutdoorstrader.com
Snagged it, thanks Steg Daddy
Crappy picture of Awesome ammo.
I would also add.....Is my Ifak Missing anything?
- chest seal
- Tq
- Compressed gauze
- Israeli bandage
- Gloves
- Triangular bandage
- Shears
View attachment 90619
Hummm he said i got it?
Holy cow thanks dude! I am going to avoid the big needle for sure. This is great infoI would also add.....
Kerlex. Much better for stuffing in wounds (not all wounds are little round holes).
View attachment 90638
Nasopharynx Tube........if you can't establish and maintain an airway none of the rest of the kit matters.
View attachment 90636
I can't tell from your pic, but if your chest seal is not an Asherman type, add an Asherman Chest Seal, cheap to do and you won't accidently kill somebody if they develop a tension pneumothorax. If it's just a sucking chest wound and your chest seal is one of those that's coated in Vaseline, the foil packaging and good tape works better anyway. Add tape, doesn't have to be the pristine white surgical tape. Any real sticky tape, Gorilla Tape or Gaffers tape works just as good and has multiple uses.
View attachment 90637
Some advocate a tension pneumothorax needle kit.....but unless you plan on spending some time and money training on it's use, you are just as likely to hammer a man as to help him by OJT plunging a 14 gauge 3.25 inch in his chest. I don't carry one for that very reason. A tension pneumothorax takes some time to develop anyway and the injured should be at a trauma center by that time. Which kind of brings us to the last point. IFAK and trauma kits help to manage trauma....but to survive somebody has to fix the trauma. No matter the initial response, the biggest thing you can do to increase survival is get the injured to a trauma center as fast as possible.
Lol, all these links. Should have stocked up in bulk when they were dirt cheapAnybody see any things to add or change , let me know.
Updated June 23, 2020. Now alphabetized and numbered. Enjoy the quickies!!!
Direct to AK 47 Magazines -------
1) https://aimsurplus.com/magazines/ak-magazines/
2) http://ak-builder.com/index.php?dispatch=categories.view&category_id=229
3) http://shop.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/AK-Mags_c19.htm
4) https://akoptionsllc.com/magazines/
5) https://www.atlanticfirearms.com/mags/ar15-mags-2.html
6) https://www.apexgunparts.com/more/magazines/ak-magazines.html
7) https://armsofamerica.com/shop-by-category/magazines/
8) http://www.badelementco.com/home
9) http://www.brownells.com/magazines/index.htm?avs|Make_3=AK-47
10) http://www.cdnnsports.com/magazines.html?brand=618#caliber=7.62X39
11) https://www.centerfiresystems.com/c-295-magazines.aspx#Pg0|Ge478|
12) https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/parts-and-accessories/parts-by-gun-model/ak-47-and-ak-74/
13) http://www.childersguns.com/Magazines
14) https://www.circle10ak.com/product-category/magazines/rifle-magazines/ak47-magazines-762x39mm/
15) https://www.classicfirearms.com/accessories/?caliber_gauge_revised=387&cat=32
16) http://www.clearviewinvest.com/pouches.aspx
17) http://www.climags.com/categories/AK/
18) https://www.country-spirit.com/
19) http://www.desertfoxoutfitters.com/commerce/index.php?cPath=39_46_84
20) https://www.desertfoxsales.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=ak+47+magazines
21) https://dkfirearms.com/product-category/magazines/ak-47-magazines/
22) http://www.gunclips.net/ak47.html
23) https://gunmagwarehouse.com/all-magazines/rifles/ak-magazines
24) https://www.impactguns.com/rifle-magazines/?_bc_fsnf=1&Fits=AK-47
25) http://jesticearms.com/AK-47-AK-74/AK47-AK74-Mags
26) http://www.jgsales.com/magazines-c-332_190_191.html
27) https://www.keepshooting.com/rifle-magazines?gunmag_fits=4354
28) https://www.k-var.com/ak-magazines
29) http://www.leesmags.com/Rifle-Magazines_c_51.html
30) https://www.legionusa.com/ak47-ak-saiga-vepr-parts-accessories-rifle-shotgun/magazines.html
31) https://www.themagshack.com/product-category/rifle-magazines/ak-47-magazines/
32) http://www.magazine-gun.com/products.asp?cat=8245&pg=1
33) https://www.midwayusa.com/s?userSearchQuery=ak+magazine&userItemsPerPage=48
34) https://www.gunpartscorp.com/category/manufacturers/ak47/magazines-ak
35) http://palmettostatearmory.com/ak-47/ak-accessories/ak-magazines.html
36) https://www.preppergunshop.com/magazines/shopby/caliber--7-62x39mm
37) http://www.primaryarms.com/ak-47-magazines/c/120700/
38) https://rguns.net/shop/category/ak-47/
39) http://www.robertrtg.com/store/pc/Mags-and-Pouches-c164.htm
40) http://www.sgammo.com/catalog/magsclips
41) https://www.sportsmansguide.com/productlist?k=ak+magazines
42) http://supplyingpatriots.com/ak-magazines/
43) https://www.tombstonetactical.com/catalog/ak-47/magazines/
44) https://vizardsgunsandammo.com/search-results-page?q=ak+magazines
45) http://whatacountry.com/ak-47.aspx
46) https://www.wideners.com/catalogsearch/result?q=ak+47+magazines
47) https://4range.com/magazines/rifle-magazines?per_page=all&page=2
---- Cope's Distributing -- Gone.
---- 44mag -- Gone.
---- CLIMAGS LLC is doing business as Abide Armory
-----Goose Island Sales-- Gone?
---- rrcfirearms--Gone?
---- mogunparts --Gone?
---- Epicenter of Defense-Gone?
---- Exile Machine- no more retail store
---- SOG Gone.
---- Hamlund Tactical --Gone?
---- The Old Western Scrounger! --Gone? No more Gibbs Mantra Mags?
---- Requiem Arms -- Now no mags, but build tools http://www.akbuildtools.com/
---- GONE?--https://ineedmoregear.com/product-category/ak-magazines
Did he really? What a nozzle, You are more than welcome too it!
You can get all that additional stuff for $30 to $40 bucks straight off of Amazon probably.Holy cow thanks dude! I am going to avoid the big needle for sure. This is great info