Dear SET Dream journal
me and friend Alex sitting in a hotel room with 2 catholic priests. They were Holding up protest signs in the room with us but I couldn’t tell for what.The clock beeped on one of their watches and they sat down on some chairs like the day of work was over and threw their signs on the floor.
I called one of them out like “well it’s easy to stand around holding a sign, it’s hard to go aNd actually make a change, I’m into being active”.
The one monk stood up and walked over to his bag and got out a bottle of liqour. He told his monk buddy “it’s night he’s gone now” took a huge swig and told me “why don’t you mind your business punk” Walked over and straight up booted me in the face like an asshole.
I fell outta the chair and scrambled up and he reared back with the bottle like he was gonna hit me with it. I pulled out my 26 and shot him two or three times in the chest.
He kind of reacted but it really just pissed him off and he kept advancing towards me with the bottle (now somehow broken) and I was backing up and still shooting him down my sights. Boom boom boom boom just gassing his ass up.
After like 8-9 holes he’s looking like he’s about to drop and pulls a knife out of his robe, aims it like a dart, throws it right into my fucking leg. So I bust his ass 2 more times in the face and he falls over dead. I Wake up sweating.