Today’s going by slow and I don’t really like it
Your bite gave you the power to slow time
Today’s going by slow and I don’t really like it
$260 too highLGS says they want $1,675 for a Galil ACE Pistola in 5.56. Seems high to me
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.Insurance is the biggest lie ever
That just makes me think of the weird Ole Miss mascot@Peanut Butter This is Awesome.
Land Shark
Shop for Landshark t-shirt of the mighty German Shephard land shark dog, a real freedom defender. Stands tall and loyal side by side our troops and law enforcement. Let's celebrate their duty today!
@Peanut Butter This is Awesome.
Land Shark
Shop for Landshark t-shirt of the mighty German Shephard land shark dog, a real freedom defender. Stands tall and loyal side by side our troops and law enforcement. Let's celebrate their duty today!
That may be true but the shirt is coolNine Line Apparel can go fuck off and die.
That may be true but the shirt is cool
Where are you posting these links? That's what I want to pay
Please God be photo-shopped
Where are you posting these links? That's what I want to pay