I'm not really sure what the fuck I would be feeling for..
Do the same to babies with qtipsYou’re not feeling for anything, it stimulates their system and he should poop right after
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Do the same to babies with qtips
Do the same to me with qtips
FAL that thing
It’s rolling round the bend and I ain’t seen no sunshine......since I don’t know when. I’m stuck in Folsom prison and time keeps draaaaaaaging on.Trump train? Hes racist ya know
Preach.I'm good with what I got me....
My ex MIL and ex nephew will be here next weekend. SorrySomebody got @cmshoot number ?
How many of you guys can make it to the range on Saturday in Powder Springs ? Need to ask if he's available that day and how many makes it worth it for him to go.
@Gaige is coming to town on Saturday and we need a place to shoot.
Saturday 6/13/20
Who can come out that day, and where can we go ?
Old Forester 1920 me
BourbonIs that a whiskey?
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