That's pretty cash money of youGot a shipping notification from Tortort a few hours ago. I honestly forgot about the receiver I ordered.
That's pretty cash money of youGot a shipping notification from Tortort a few hours ago. I honestly forgot about the receiver I ordered.
Happens to me and childers all the timeGot a shipping notification from Tortort a few hours ago. I honestly forgot about the receiver I ordered.
@Peanut Butter your chance homie
100.00 shipped
brand new in box Vortex Crossfire red dot gen 2 with upgraded LED. With high mount and low mount never used NIB
View attachment 85525 View attachment 85526 View attachment 85527 View attachment 85528
Doesn’t matter. I changed my mind anyways
Lancer!?Clout fer sail $5 shipped lmao View attachment 85530
GimmeClout fer sail $5 shipped lmao View attachment 85530
Sold to PokémonGimme
But not psyducks snitching assSold to Pokémon
PreachThis stimulus check crap is becoming a classic example of government ineptitude. Yes, we're poor enough to qualify. My wife's was direct deposited 4/30. Not surprising. Her disability check 9that we had to sue Social Security for 5 years after the doctors all classified her as disabled to get & that we're still suing for those 5 years they said "We believe you have these diseases but they don't disable you." Like all those fuckers in the SS office went to med school before working there.) Anyway, back to my primary rant.Despite our having been married & filing jointly for over 30 years & literally having this same joint account for over 30 years I am still listed on the IRS website as "You are eligible to receive the payment. When we have a ship date we will update this page."
And I'm supposed to want these fuckers handling more of my life?
Rant over. Thanks of listening.
Thiccc thighs gassed eyes.
Crush a watermelon with my thighsThiccc thighs gassed eyes.
Yes plz.Crush a watermelon with my thighs
Clout fer sail $5 shipped lmao View attachment 85530