I have been in plant Maintenance for 24 years. A poultry plant is the last place I would work!They have this big door that opens and a truck backs up to it. The truck is full of small cages of chickens. They skid the cages down a cute where a Spanish speaking person opens it and begins crapping chickens. In front of them is a moving productiom line of metal hooks constantly going by on a chain. They grab the birds by the feet and hang them on hooks by sliding the legs into the slots but their feet are too large to fall through. The line keeps moving and the chickens hang there upside down squawking and carrying on as the line moves. The line moves very fast and the truck is emptied in very short order. The first station the chickens hit is a dunk tank filled with charged water. The line keeps moving as their head dips in and it shocks them. When they emerge they are stunned and quiet but still alive. As the line continues moving the chickens head goes between two y shaped metal rods. They funnel to a small parallel line where the nick is now pulled taught and a spinning razor cuts the throat and the head drops onto a collection belt moving underneath. The line never stops so the chickens emerge from there bleeding out. Their hearts pump the rest if the blood out and all of the blood is collected in a vat under the line. After that they pass through a sprayer then a series of spinning rubber fingers that strips the feathers. As the line continues on they are eventually disemvowled , and the feet cut off to let the body fall. The body is then weighed and sent on to different areas of the plant for different products based on weight and appearance. The feet beaks and other waste are sent to waiting bins on trucks and shipped off to dog food plants or China.