Lee armory or 2 rivers?
Or who else to build a kit from ground up.
Or who else to build a kit from ground up.
But what’s even leftJDS flash sale coming up???? Nobody knows!!!
2 rivers. Lee armory can suck a fat one. Shady AF (a few years ago at least)Lee armory or 2 rivers?
Or who else to build a kit from ground up.
Flash sale, you say?JDS flash sale coming up???? Nobody knows!!!
2 rivers did a lot of work for meLee armory or 2 rivers?
Or who else to build a kit from ground up.
I'll take that triangle folder lolJDS flash sale coming up???? Nobody knows!!!
GrrThe sharks smell Somali pirate blood in the water.
I thought it was moreGrr
Do sharks grr? They should.
Baby shark Doo Doo Doo Doo DooThe sharks smell Somali pirate blood in the water.
I’m just jacking with you bruh. You’ll have to demill it for me to buy it I ain’t waiting on no form 4. You need the funds for that diesel
I finished it and traded it for the 2000 7.3 f350 dually I'm going through now.@KERTWOOD what ever happen to that clean infinity you was working on
Seems legitGood kit?
Romanian AK-47 Kit PM63W Cal.7.62x39 with 16" Chrome Lined Hammer Forged Barrel | Colorado Gun Sales
New Romanian 7.62 x 39 Military production forged trunnions kit with wood-stock no receiver includes. Comes with one 16" inch Cold hammer forged Chrome lined Barrel.www.cogunsales.com
Get off my SUPER WASR game!!I am going to buy a kit and have it Professionally built.
just want a one stop shop on the kit and on the build.
Don not care if local or far away just want a Quality Build.
Get ya one. The gf3 aks seem to have good reviews. Might be worth snagging one. Assuming it will be cheaper than imports still. Not a bad option for someone who wants an ak but not pay stupid current prices.
That’s essentially a WASR. When you buy a receiver you’ll get one with dimples so it’ll more correct as a Pm63 but it’s the same same all Romanian made parts forged, CHF/CL barrel and their WASR wood too looks likeGood kit?
Romanian AK-47 Kit PM63W Cal.7.62x39 with 16" Chrome Lined Hammer Forged Barrel | Colorado Gun Sales
New Romanian 7.62 x 39 Military production forged trunnions kit with wood-stock no receiver includes. Comes with one 16" inch Cold hammer forged Chrome lined Barrel.www.cogunsales.com