Serious question, what is your FTUR?
Fired To Unfired Ratio
Everyone's assignment
I’ve fired every gun I own.
Only gun I ever sold without firing was a Rem 1100 I traded a Marlin 60 for. It had a split barrel, bent action, rusted receiver, and water-damaged stock. I replaced the stock with a nice old one from Gunbroker, found a 20” parkerized rifle-sighted barrel, added a mag extension, repaired the bent action parts, reblued the receiver. Ran dummies through it and it worked fine. Back then I couldn’t find ANYWHERE that would let me fire it on their range, so I sold it on GB to a guy in North Dakota, iirc. He took it to a 3-gun match that weekend and got 2nd place. Kinda wish I’d kept it, but I got $300 + shipping for it back in 1999