When you don't have money, a $500 WASR is going to pop up.So far this week I've tried and failed to get a Hudson H9, a Galil clone, and a Mossberg 500.
It can only get better right?
When you don't have money, a $500 WASR is going to pop up.So far this week I've tried and failed to get a Hudson H9, a Galil clone, and a Mossberg 500.
It can only get better right?
Why do you want 10 round mags again?
I guess they are worth that to someone but I would put the money into 20s, 30s, or 40s.
It's a phallic representation, without a doubtDamn! Is that a RPK on your table or are you just happy to see me
When you don't have money, a $500 WASR is going to pop up.
Why am I so immune to sleep medication? Serious question. I HATE taking benodryl but might have too
Wrap the bottom with tape?To keep my blue tip incendiary x39 in. Different mags so I can tell by feel when digging around in a pack
Wrap the bottom with tape?
No way. You get mad clout with paki tape.Tape is for poors. You know this
Everybody's biochemistry is different. Different medicines & dosages affect people differently. Years ago before I had back surgery, I was in so much pain I called the doctor's office to try to get stronger meds than the Percodan I was on. The nurse said absolutely not & don't even think of taking more than 1. It'll knock you out. My response, "Lady, I'm a professional. I've had 2 of these Percodans, a beer & three bourbons. And I still found you phone number & called, worked my way through your Press 1 bullshit & had this conversation with you."Why am I so immune to sleep medication? Serious question.
I HATE taking benodryl but might have too
Opposite for me. Watching tv makes me sleep. That’s why I’m out before midnight at home but at work I’m up till 3am.For me being on the computer or watching tv keeps me up and I need to walk away at least an hour before bedtime. Otherwise it's harder to go to sleep.
For me being on the computer or watching tv keeps me up and I need to walk away at least an hour before bedtime. Otherwise it's harder to go to sleep.
I put on a podcast at work, phone under pillow, and listen to it.I quit watching tv in bed for that reason. I now put on an audio book with a one hour timer. It is rare that I ever have to extend the timer. Bed time stories are not just for kids anymore.
I quit watching tv in bed for that reason. I now put on an audio book with a one hour timer. It is rare that I ever have to extend the timer. Bed time stories are not just for kids anymore.
Opposite for me. Watching tv makes me sleep. That’s why I’m out before midnight at home but at work I’m up till 3am.
Killed the threadI'm knocking out. Dad duty at 0600.
Killed the thread
Spot the difference:
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