Fuck this storm, dog spazzin out
Had to use my metal file on the four 20rd Korean mags today to get them to fit anything.
Wow. I used to have a few of those and always though they were good to go.
Wow. I used to have a few of those and always thought they were good to go.
Didn't take a lot of filing...I didn't use my calipers but I'm guessing a few thousandths. Nice tight fit now!
Heavy rain, some noise here and there, our room is in the basement so i can't attest to the windHow is it up there? I'm in Snellville right now.
Lesson learned - always test fit your mags!
Dog about to be on zanny
Heavy rain, some noise here and there, our room is in the basement so i can't attest to the wind
Slept lolOu what did you doooooooo on them Xanax bars?
Livin it up in my mother in law basementSo you are a fellow basement dweller? Cool!