Thanks. not really much anybody can do. My wife has several autoimmune diseases & we can only treat the symptoms. In the process of taking care of her, her mother & my parents (who all passed away) & closing our business when her health failed & moving out here near her family & suing the gov't. over denying her disability (I think we're on our 5th lawsuit), I had a stroke. I recovered way more than the docs said I could but no income & high bills.for a few years burned a couple of decades of investments pretty quickly. So pretty much anything not nailed down got sold.
Did manage to keep the house, which my wife loves. But we still have mucho debt. But we're in a better place than even a year ago & we're still together & still surviving so I shouldn't complain. If you know of any work I can do from home, that would be appreciated, because I never know what shape she'll be in day to day. Sorry for the long, dreary post. But this place has helped me handle all this for the last year & a half or so & I just vomit it all out sometimes.