My duty weapon is a SIG P229 in .357SIG. Off -duty I carry either the SIG or a Beretta 92 Compact that’s been Wilson’ized. Nothing wrong with either handgun; they are accurate, reliable, and dependable. As long as I have to carry a DA/SA on duty, I’ll carry a DA/SA off-duty as well.
When I retire, I’ll have to qualify once a year to keep my retired creds and ability to carry like a Fed. Good thing is that I can carry any handgun that I want to. I’ll be going back to 1911’s, particularly a John Harrison-built STI Ranger II.
I paid approximately $1250 for the STI, then paid more than that to have the custom work and refinishing done. Some folks would say not to carry it, that I’ll either never get it back from police evidence, or that it will be rusty and ruined when I do. Why carry a $3000 1911 when I can carry a $400 Glock?
The thing is, I don’t shoot any handgun as well as I shoot a 1911. I shoot my SIG regularly, and nowadays I shoot my 1911’s rarely. I shoot my SIG very, very well. Even with that, today I still shoot my 1911’s better. When I shoot my 1911’s regularly......even better.
If I’m carrying a handgun for self defense, why would I not want to carry the handgun that I shoot the best? If I’m to be involved in a deadly force situation, wouldn’t I want every conceivable advantage that I could have? You’re dang right I would!
How much money would you pay to have an edge in a gunfight? For me, it would be every dime I have. If I’m involved in a deadly force situation, and I win, I don’t care about how much money I spent on the handgun that got me there.
I’m not knocking anyone that carries or Glocks.....or any other handgun, regardless of the cost. If your chosen EDC is a Glock 19, and it’s the handgun that you shoot the best........lucky you! Nothing wrong with that.
Carry what you wanna carry and don’t worry about how much it cost. How much is your life worth?
When I retire, I’ll have to qualify once a year to keep my retired creds and ability to carry like a Fed. Good thing is that I can carry any handgun that I want to. I’ll be going back to 1911’s, particularly a John Harrison-built STI Ranger II.
I paid approximately $1250 for the STI, then paid more than that to have the custom work and refinishing done. Some folks would say not to carry it, that I’ll either never get it back from police evidence, or that it will be rusty and ruined when I do. Why carry a $3000 1911 when I can carry a $400 Glock?
The thing is, I don’t shoot any handgun as well as I shoot a 1911. I shoot my SIG regularly, and nowadays I shoot my 1911’s rarely. I shoot my SIG very, very well. Even with that, today I still shoot my 1911’s better. When I shoot my 1911’s regularly......even better.
If I’m carrying a handgun for self defense, why would I not want to carry the handgun that I shoot the best? If I’m to be involved in a deadly force situation, wouldn’t I want every conceivable advantage that I could have? You’re dang right I would!
How much money would you pay to have an edge in a gunfight? For me, it would be every dime I have. If I’m involved in a deadly force situation, and I win, I don’t care about how much money I spent on the handgun that got me there.
I’m not knocking anyone that carries or Glocks.....or any other handgun, regardless of the cost. If your chosen EDC is a Glock 19, and it’s the handgun that you shoot the best........lucky you! Nothing wrong with that.
Carry what you wanna carry and don’t worry about how much it cost. How much is your life worth?