Letter to stores with "no guns" signs.

Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store


What Would Paladin Do?
Many of you have seen this but I want to post it again so that you can copy and use it if the situation warrants.

Letter to ccw store prohibition:

I was (activity) and I noticed your sign prohibiting concealed weapons. I understand and appreciate your concern for the safety of your employees and your customers.

I am not a nut or an extremist. I am a responsible, law abiding citizen and I would like to share with you my opinions on this topic. I would appreciate it if you would view them with an open mind.

I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon issued by the State of XXX. I have received training, passed a background check and have my photo and fingerprints registered with the state. I am careful to exercise my right to carry a concealed weapon within the laws of XXX and I understand the serious nature of this responsibility. I do this to protect myself and my family and because I feel strongly that armed, law abiding citizens are a significant deterrent to criminals.

Unfortunately, law enforcement officers cannot be everywhere at all times to protect us. Sometimes we have to be prepared to protect ourselves.

Please be aware that anyone legally carrying a concealed weapon has passed a background check and has no felony convictions. These are the "good" guys, not the people you should be worried about. The vast majority of crimes involving weapons are performed with weapons obtained illegally by individuals who would not qualify for a concealed carry permit. Anyone illegally carrying a concealed weapon is not going to concern themselves with your posted prohibition, after all, we have already established that they are criminals. If anything, the sign will give criminals confidence because it is likely that they will be the only ones in your facility armed with weapons.

I generally carry a weapon. When I arrive at your location and see your sign I have four options, none of which are good.

1."Open carry" my weapon which is legal in XXX and not prohibited by your sign but tends to make people uncomfortable.
2.Leave my weapon in my vehicle, unsecured while in your establishment, which is much riskier than keeping it with me.
3.Ignore your sign and carry my weapon legally concealed.
4.Leave and find another place to do business.

Of course, the safety of your employees and customers is infinitely more important than my dilemma about what to do upon seeing your sign. Please understand that a concealed weapon which remains concealed is much safer than one in transition from concealment to open carry or to storage. A quality weapon secured in a quality holster is very safe.

Also understand that a trained, certified, permit carrying "good guy" in your facility with a legally concealed weapon may be your best defense when a criminal shows up with no regard for your signs or your safety.

iPad & Tapatalk


Mar 22, 2010
In Texas there has to be a legal sign called a 30.06 and requires specific rules and wording. It is very rare and not seen very often. We see more gun buster signs or signs that say no guns allowed. Concealed carriers in TX smile at those signs and then ignore them and walk right on past them. I would never send a letter to a location that had a non compliant sign as it has no legal standing for a TX concealed carrier. Sending them a letter might just get them to get educated and put up a legal 30.06 sign that I could not ignore. For places that have a legal 30.06, I just dont give them any of my business and never go there. Sending them a letter is very likely a waste of my time. Maybe if the legal sign was more prominent I might be more inclined to send letters.


Fortunately most businesses in Louisiana have given up trying to prevent gun carry as we are now one of the most liberal gun states in the country. conceal or open carry. About the only place I see a sign is occasionally at a movie theater, which most people just smile at and ignore, or at a military base, which is a definate no-no!. Don't think you'll be seeing any Aurora type events in Louisiana. ;)


Jun 8, 2012
Southeast Wisconsin
Zip code
Unfortunately, in Wisconsin all a business owner has to do is display a "no weapons" sign (the format and text of which is totally undefined by law to the best of my knowledge) at every door to their premises. The location is supposed to be at eye level but even that isn't well defined in the published law. It is unclear if the posted signs are also legal prohibition of carrying openly on their premises.

There's a shopping center just north of Milwaukee which has decided that posting small signs by the driveways that enter their property is a way to prevent carrying throughout the whole shopping center. There are no signs on the doors to any of the stores, though.

I may send a letter to a couple of restaurants that we like to go to that now have signs posted on their doors prohibiting any weapons.