So whats this all about?
It's called folding at home and used by researchers to find cures for diseases.
What is folding @home?
it's a small program written by Stanford university you download, install and let run in the background while doing nothing.
Years ago the researchers realized they cant compute this stuff fast enough, even with the fastest super computers in the world it would take untold decades, so someone had an idea, instead of trying to crunch all the data at once on one computer why not break it up into pieces and send them to peoples pc's, this way we can use all those wasted CPU cycles, in effect creating the worlds biggest supercomputer.
You can pause it, set the amount of CPU to use, and even turn it off when you feel like it, or when it effects other things like gaming or videos etc. as long as it has a reasonable amount of time to finish the work it's fine, but too long (days) and the work is late and gets discarded.
Does it work?
Yes they have made many advances towards curing diseases with the help of this program, a similar effort was used to crack the human genome so quickly a few years back.
How do i find more information about folding?
Look here: Folding@home - Science
Ok looks cool so i want to help out what do i do?
simple, download here : Folding@home - HomePage
there are Windows as well as Mac and linux versions.
It will ask for the team number which is 230129. Enter that and your SET user name. You are now part of teamSETI.
How do I know my/our stats?
Clicking on your name within the program will take you to the Main F@H stat server.
It will show your standing with the team and the current team stats.
But it will not show you anything under your name until you start to turn in work for the first time.
Hey i noticed it wants access to the internet is it spying on me?
No! there is no back door action , no advertisements, nothing, it simply needs to connect to receive work and send results.
Is this popular?
Yes, it has been around for a while and there are well known teams from many of your favorite websites.
Ok so what's in it for me?
beyond making a positive impact on research, we can quickly move up the ranks and become one of the biggest teams out there.
Sometimes the fun is waiting for those 3 extra points so you can pass another team in the rankings.
Look at it this way, wouldn't it be great to know years from now when you or a loved one or friend comes down with an illness-you helped cure it in the past? The disease you help cure today could be the one you wake up with tomorrow.........
It's called folding at home and used by researchers to find cures for diseases.
What is folding @home?
it's a small program written by Stanford university you download, install and let run in the background while doing nothing.
Years ago the researchers realized they cant compute this stuff fast enough, even with the fastest super computers in the world it would take untold decades, so someone had an idea, instead of trying to crunch all the data at once on one computer why not break it up into pieces and send them to peoples pc's, this way we can use all those wasted CPU cycles, in effect creating the worlds biggest supercomputer.
You can pause it, set the amount of CPU to use, and even turn it off when you feel like it, or when it effects other things like gaming or videos etc. as long as it has a reasonable amount of time to finish the work it's fine, but too long (days) and the work is late and gets discarded.
Does it work?
Yes they have made many advances towards curing diseases with the help of this program, a similar effort was used to crack the human genome so quickly a few years back.
How do i find more information about folding?
Look here: Folding@home - Science
Ok looks cool so i want to help out what do i do?
simple, download here : Folding@home - HomePage
there are Windows as well as Mac and linux versions.
It will ask for the team number which is 230129. Enter that and your SET user name. You are now part of teamSETI.
How do I know my/our stats?
Clicking on your name within the program will take you to the Main F@H stat server.
It will show your standing with the team and the current team stats.
But it will not show you anything under your name until you start to turn in work for the first time.
Hey i noticed it wants access to the internet is it spying on me?
No! there is no back door action , no advertisements, nothing, it simply needs to connect to receive work and send results.
Is this popular?
Yes, it has been around for a while and there are well known teams from many of your favorite websites.
Ok so what's in it for me?
beyond making a positive impact on research, we can quickly move up the ranks and become one of the biggest teams out there.
Sometimes the fun is waiting for those 3 extra points so you can pass another team in the rankings.
Look at it this way, wouldn't it be great to know years from now when you or a loved one or friend comes down with an illness-you helped cure it in the past? The disease you help cure today could be the one you wake up with tomorrow.........
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