How Do You Guys Feel About Online Petitions For Gun Law Changes?

Faktory 47

David (OHGO)

Sep 29, 2016
Does anyone here sign online petitions for gun law changes? Do you think they work or are taken seriously by the senators and congressmen?


Never signed a petition in real life, and I'll never sign one online.

Jay Dunno

Feb 6, 2016
I've signed them...but haven't heard if they've done any good. I think the best thing we can do is elect true conservative officials into those places of power. Do our homework and get out there and vote. Let theses liberal gun grabbers know what the true majority thinks of their crap, and vote them right out of office. Let's send them back to the real world without their paid security to protect their bums. If that started happening to all their friends, I bet the rest would probably think twice about imposing draconian gun laws on the rest of the country.

dennis (OHGO)

dennis (beav)
Mar 1, 2016
hey men, i belong to national association for gun rights and they have people out there all the time protesting . the head honco ( dudly brown) can make 1 phone call and have minimum of 500 members any where in the u.s at any state capital . this guy is all in for our gun rights. i get e-mails from n.a.g.r. all the time to sign his on line petitions to send to senators or state capitals or where ever. it took me awhile to do some research on this out fit to see how legit they were and when i found out it was no non-sense , i joined ! they are all brothers and sisters . just like when i served ! i got there back , cause i know they have mine, no bull shit !! so yes, signing those petitions does go some where and puts your vote in . if anyone is interested , you can shoot me an e-mail ( ) or hell just call me . 570 595 2086 cell-570 369 0159 ya;ll got me wound up now, later my friends !