Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

Howard Law


The Father of Karlvv and the Legend he tries to be
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Jul 3, 2015
The Interwebs!
So......I'm sitting here eating a couple bowls of frosted mini wheats and reading the box because well, that's just what you do....and there's a warning on the box that this product contains wheat ingredients...
Now I know why Brandon is president...


Black Bear under anesthesia
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Kalash Klub
Jul 1, 2015
Zip code
Speaking of which, my left eyeball hurt for 22 days straight, 24 hours a day. 3 Docs couldn't find the problem, got an appt with the retina specialist on the 5th of Oct. My eye finally stopped hurting then my tooth started...I took off work today to have it pulled. Tried to pull it myself but it's too far back. And my toe has been hurting enough to give me a limp when I walk, it finally subsided today after a week and a half. This past 30 days been hell I tell ya...