Just finished putting a new dishwsher in.Too quiet in here...everyone hung over?
Just finished putting a new dishwsher in.Too quiet in here...everyone hung over?
Majorsurplus might have those 7 cell sks chest rigs for a lot less
Just finished putting a new dishwsher in.
That was a type 63, to fit 20sMajorsurplus might have those 7 cell sks chest rigs for a lot less
Just finished putting a new dishwsher in.
Bro your cat is thugged out. And I just now remembered I never reconnected with you in the bulgy’s you still got one?Hm....kinda like it. View attachment 118791
You da man! Pretty cool!!Machine gun zero, and practice targets. You shoot a 3-5 round burst into each of the targets ( called pasters) The reason why they are set up a slanted and different sized, is so it forces you to move your gun, using the T&E ( traverse and elevation ) mechanism, to engage the targets. The paper qualification is much harder than hitting targets at distance.