You should start a thread about it. ( I'm not being a smart ass ) because I have a few questions about the stuff. I have a newish truck with about 12k, after 9 months of ownership. So the engine is broken in, and most of the mileage is from driving on the highway. The FIAT 124 is 5 years old and only has approximately 17k miles. My question is is there a minimum amount of milage for your vehicle before you use the additive? And how much of this stuff gets added to your oil, and how often? etc. etc.
That reminds me, I need to get the oil changed in the FIAT, even though we have put less than 3k on it this year.
Kermit has 12900 miles on it and I just changed the oil at 12500. These cars are notorious for having a BBQ tick, it sounds like an ignitor for a gas grill. Usually starts after the first oil change. Mine has had it, it's random but I've heard it when coming through the base gate and it echos off the guard shack. Nobody seems to know exactly what engine components make the noise. Injectors/valvetrain would be my inclination but a lot of people are pointing to the timing chain tensioners.
People have been saying that whatever is in Ceratec is in the original oil but I dunno if I believe that or not.
The bottle says 300ml will treat 5 quarts and my car takes 10 quarts so I guess I should use 2 bottles. But I read where someone said he only uses 1 bottle so that's what I did. I didn't hear the tick last night when I backed in the garage so we will see if it definitely got rid of it. Also I'm not sure if he uses it at every oil change...the bottle says it works for up to 30K miles...which could be true if it truly has a molecular bond to the metal so it doesn't come out when the oil is drained.
I read a few interesting positive reviews on Amazon where I bought this stuff, that with the Mustang forum convinced me to at least try it. So far so good but like I say it's only been 1 test drive but I could definitely tell a difference.
I'm gonna take the car back out in a bit for some small grocery shopping, I'm gonna see if my wife can tell a difference. I'm thinking she will.
I could start a thread but I never get email alerts. Maybe
@Joseph can check into that? I check this thread daily so I won't miss anything here but if there's a reply in a slooow moving thread I'll never see it.