Sweet. You getting the work done locally?Exciting news last night. Work has commenced on the Hunter/Galil ARM conversion
Sweet. You getting the work done locally?Exciting news last night. Work has commenced on the Hunter/Galil ARM conversion
Good luck I hate those thingsTornado (or possible) heading towards Perry.
Looks like it'll be south of Robins. Hopefully.
Hay LQuit flirting with my man, X
What I meant to say was, morning.
We need a play date Heyyy xHey sexy
Morning HMernin'
Hay L
It’s only getting worse
Yea it’s been rough up here / but looks like most of it has passed up this way, you guys down south have more coming ,Good morning everyone.
Great day to be a duck.
Yeah @Hood886 has it, he's in C-villeSweet. You getting the work done locally?
I guess you’re too young to remember TripleK mags.The only mags I can really ever remember being completely worthless were an AK ProMag and an AR-10 ProMag. I had a CZ75 30 round ProMag that left something to be desired. I think the common theme here is that ProMags are hot trash.
It's pretty much factory or bust for pistol mags, I agree. Mecgars are worth it since they're basically the same thing as factory.
Those are the ones I was talking about!!Right, I got a KRD large letter thick plastic floor plate, which is pretty much non removable. It is supposed to be Argentinian. It works OK. Looking for some Mec Gars or milsurps now, but no longer excited about looking as I have pretty much exhausted everywhere.
View attachment 144596
Argentine Hi-Power mags
Wow. I’d like THAT type of engraving pattern tattooed on my arm!!!
Y’all decided gay sex was fine for ‘straight’ dudes?To any one concerned Shemp is alive and well, He and i solved some of the worlds problem this am
YussssssWe need a play date Heyyy x
Warning went away about when I posted.Good luck I hate those things