Sold a very njce fire helmet on Facebook in one of the helmet groups. Most people use good and services there I think. I never had so that’s why I’m kinda hesitant. I understand that HE diesnt wanna be scammed and sent it that way since there is no feedback. But also same to me
Goods and services protects the seller and it's only $3.50 per hundred to get protection.
If they aren't willing to pay 3.5% then they can suck it
I actually add 4% and after PayPal fees I make a whopping extra 11¢ per hundred. If they don't like it they can stand in line to get a USPS MO or go buy somewhere else.
If you sold a $1k helmet via goods and services, they have to pay the $35 (3.5%) in fees and they will have a much harder time scamming because you are protected.
3.5% ain't alot for peace of mind for both parties.