Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
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Posted on Oklahoma Firearms and Outdoors Forum:​

Pawnee Jan 2021 AAR​

Yesterday, 10:50 AM

In my twisted opinion this one was about perfect weather conditions. We had cold, we had rain, we had very high winds and we had mud...

I look at these RNGs as a “what if“ type event, can you and your gear get it done? Anyone can do one of these in perfect weather conditions, throw in a very hot day(105), a very cold day(24 with wind), that makes for miserable, add some rain and very high winds though and RNG becomes very challenging in January especially.

This year was a special for me, I had Covid back in August, I didn’t train very much, and the furthest I walked was 3 miles, 2 times, that was the extent of my training, but since Al, Johnny n Greg might think I’m a sissy, I couldn’t let them talk shit.

So this RNG I decided to handicap myself and use a Smith&Wesson 640-1, 5 shot ,38spl. I used a version of speed clip that loads 5 rounds in a circular rubber speed strip...loads are faster than traditional speed strip but what I found is these things really need breaking in...needless to say reloads were challenging esp with cold wet muddy fingers. I also ran a 10.5” AR “Pistol” with a 2X Primary Arms ACSS...which ran beautiful and perfect.

I started 5, at within 50yds ya had to cross a small creek that was muddy and over boot deep. So yer feet are soaked within first 50 yds. Then ya trudge thru a muddy trail thru a small pasture, the woods, then ford another small creek that was a combination of knee deep rapids and Uber slick mossy rocks.

Stage 1. Pretty easy, In 2 minutes get 8 rifle hits at close range then advance to get a couple pistol hits...I don’t remember how many hits we needed but I cleared the stage in 1:50. I did 3 reloads on pistol, it took me 3 reloads and 19 rounds to get my hits. Not effing bad, I was stoked when I left.

The rifle targets were tricky, the target was only a few yds away, about baseball size...ya really needed to aim high to get hits to offset the height of scope/red dot/open sight on rifle..was a tricky stage.

The trail to stage 2 was more slippery ankle deep mud with several giant ankle deep mud holes.

Stage 2. Pistol only, get hits on a couple steel plates then get hits on a plate rack...ya gad to knock the plates over. I didn’t do bad, took me 2 reloads to get hits then I encountered the plate rack, I hit 2 plates but they didn’t fall....38’s just don’t have enough oomph but 3 reloads and got it done, then had to get 2 hits about 20-25yds on 1 first hit then timed out..DNF.

On to stage 3, 500 riflemans challenge.

When you leave stage 2 it’s just more muddy slippery trail and crossing another small swollen creek, over knee deep...then you come to THE “creek”...after sliding down a slick steep creek bank, ya kinda just stumble into a over waste deep creek...literally belly button deep when I crossed, then climb up the 25 foot clay, rock, mud about gassing my fat Covid ass...I was effing exhausted but I knew stage 3 was just a little further, I could rest there.

Stage 3, 3 hits, 500yds in 1 minute...I had a 4 minute wait time so I was rested n calm. Loaded, made ready Fire! Hit! miss, miss, Hit!...miss miss miss miss miss miss rinse n repeat miss...Time! Cease fire...I had 1 round left. 10.5 barrel with a 2x optic is tuff...did I mention a 20mph wind. Was a crazy stage. DNF

Next up the road, was muddy and up hill all the way. Had to stop for water...guess what...I left my water bottle on stage 2...damn, so I sat n coughed up about a cup full of Covid lungs, dug thru my pockets and found my gum...fellas, always carry gum, it’ll really help with I get back on road, the road is a obstacle and challenge all by itself, long wet and muddy but at least it stopped raining.

Arrived at Stage 4 with a huge line, had a 44 minute wait time, ran had stopped but wind picked up, 20+ mph with 40mph gusts.

Stage 4 was simple, rifle only, about 120 yds I think. Had 2 minutes to get 8 hits At start load n make ready, get 2 hits, advance 20yds, get 2 more hits, advance 20 yds, get 2 hits, advance 20 more get 2 hits....simple enough but wind was atrocious.

I cleared it in just over a minute with 12 rounds...

On to stage 5...pistol only. Had to shoot thru a board with 2 ports and get like 8 hits but I’m not sure of actual hits needed. Distance was over 20 yds, I got several hits, did 4 reloads but that short barrel made it tuff...DNF, timed out.

On to stage 6 on the daunting and legendary “burial mound”...with a V-Tac board and probably at steady gusty swirling 40mph wind in the middle of a huge field.

Its all uphill between stage 5 and 6, then ya gadda climb up the slick, slippery, muddy slope to get on mound. I finally made it, Johnny n Cory are the ROs so I had some pressure to perform.

I don’t remember the yardage, maybe 100-150ish. Vtac boards are tuff, there are no good shooting positions, weird angles, really gotta manipulate yer rifle to use optic or sites...i smoked thru the first holes, then spent 1 minute on last hole but I got r done in 1:50...

From mound is half mile trudge thru wind and mud...I made it, got my shirt then ate some great pulled pork.

Mudded up from head to toe, exhausted...but felt like I was the guy that could, if needed, hold my own in the worst conditions. Old Fat, broke down, I can still bring it. Because of the weather, course conditions, the snubby sidearm, this is one of my prouder RNGs.

Al when you read this, you have no idea how much this means to me, thank you from the deepest part of my heart for letting me play with a bunch of the best folks I’ve ever met.

Oh, and Hamiltoe, was glad to meet you, hope ya reply lol.
“I will not comply”

This was posted by one of the guys that struggles with some serious health issues, but he got it done!


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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
Zip code
Next RunNGun is tentatively scheduled for July 10th. Any of y'all want to make the trip let me know. I'll do everything I can to facilitate your visit.

That being said, there's a guy putting one on in Paris, Arkansas March 6th. He;s having a tough time getting enough signups, so I'm not sure how it'll be, but it's a tad bit closer to y'all, and in a flat-out beautiful area.


Yeet yite yote
Site Supporter
Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Next RunNGun is tentatively scheduled for July 10th. Any of y'all want to make the trip let me know. I'll do everything I can to facilitate your visit.

That being said, there's a guy putting one on in Paris, Arkansas March 6th. He;s having a tough time getting enough signups, so I'm not sure how it'll be, but it's a tad bit closer to y'all, and in a flat-out beautiful area.
I’m scheduled to work that day. But I could take vacation. I’ll see how chelsea feels about Oklahoma and we go. She probably won’t participate but I would