He was 4.5 hours late for his last one, he’ll be on at 8:30 once they’ve got him meds right and he’s functioning
I'm sure there's a lot of military aircraft out there that's not transponding, or i hope there is. This is what is showing...
View attachment 133972
Will it fit the Vepr folder?
Lmao they won’t even let the journalists hold the mic after that one NPR dude went off script last week. Now the handler can just yank the mic away if a journalist asks a non preapproved question“I’ve been given a list of people to call on.” Man fuck that shit. These journalists are cucked beyond measure.
The most interesting man in the room went off script so they yanked that micLmao “I take full responsibility, but let’s not forget our former president” blah blah blah
Lmao “I take full responsibility, but let’s not forget our former president” blah blah blah
I am interested.We'll know soon.