Nice bicep
Nice bicep
A REAL fudd would have a REAL 1911 tho
98% of the pictures on my phone are of Stangs food and Stackdaddys feet
12K pictures total, about 400 food picsDo you take a picture of everything you eat?
What percentage of the pictures on your phone is food? I'm guessing about 98%.
No shooting out the jeep, fail
So the other 11,600 are @3x feet and @DeanMoriarty dick?
Most of em have feet, so they can go in either categoryI would have thought that you would have a lot more than just 2% dick pictures on your phone...
fOLdErS12k pictures?! I have like 580 and feel that’s a ton.
How the hell do you find anything in 12 ThOuSaNd fucking pictures?!
Well duh... I’m gonna go finish my plate of crayons.
Most of em have feet, so they can go in either category