Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Oct 6, 2015
Franklin, Ga
Zip code
Shot the P17 tonight

it did great. Only one malfunction out of 300 rounds on the first mag then never again.

Used Velocitors, stingers, and CCI SV

shot unsupresssd and suppressed

zeroed the Sig Romeo zero. I feels cheap, I didn’t expect it to zero well with the small Allen key windage and elev. the turrets have zero tactile or audible response and no printed markings so you just kinda wing it.

zeroed at 25y to the velocitors. Thought I would go with the stingers, 100 more FPS at a cost of 8gr weight, but they ended up grouping the worst for me at 25y

the velocitors stayed true. Coming out of a 3” barrel around 1026fps.

I didn’t get a lot of blowback from the can. Thought I would because the slide is open on both sides when it cycles but maybe that helps.

im curious to see how long this Romeo zero fsctory battery lasts. I may leave it on, with the motion activation engaged and just see total time really is. I placed some witness marks on the romeos mounting screws so we’ll see if it holds on the plate.

Has a nice trigger. PMR fans will be familiar. I think its a 3lb pull for most of the P-17s I’ve seen and it feels like it.

So far, and if it keeps shooting, another Keltec rimfire win in my book.

Also Olight still works lololol but Time will tell.
I just picked a P17 up but I haven't shot it yet.
How did you mount the Romeo @KhyberPass ?